Sunday, September 6, 2009


I checked out the s***mydadsays Twitter feed, like everyone else. The pops really can come up with some gems. In a weird way, it’s comforting to see that other parents say some major wild stuff. My pop didn’t swear like the Twitter dude’s, unless he was really mad and damn or s*** might come out of his mouth. I’m not on Twitter, but maybe I should really go through the carbon copies of letters my dad wrote to everyone from health insurance companies to Chicago library directors to Senators to an old Army Air Corp buddy in Colorado. I’ve skimmed most of them and am not a fan of some of them because he was bitching (unfairly, IMHO) about me (parents tend to do that, don’t they?!) But maybe the passage of time can help there. I just pulled one of the carbons. What a surprise, grandpa shows up in a story: “When I first met my wife, I was on a Shakespeare kick (this would have been around 1957 or so.) I recall my father was working on my car – replacing piston rings, to see if he could really do it. He (grandpa) operated a gas station but rarely did any mechanical work and he was then near retirement.  I was reading some play of Shakespeare while he was under the car, and he’d asked me for some wrench and I gave him the wrong tool. He came up from under the car, slightly incensed, and said to me ‘ Shakespeare never had a Chevrolet, did he?’ My old man was good on one-liners.” There are plenty of other gems. Maybe I’ll start a s***myoldmanwrotestarringgrandpa blog! My dad was fond of quotations – maybe he deserves a book.  Stay tuned for more s***myoldmanwrote!


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