Sunday, September 13, 2009

Paper Bags And Plastic Hearts; All Are Belongings In Shopping Carts

Hey guys,

Hmm…As you’re probably not thinking, what is on my mind at the moment, yes? The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls, primarily, as it has been for a large part of the day. I just bought it, and Lies by McFly, which quite clearly shows the immaculate quality of my music tastes nowadays. This must’ve come out about two years ago, right? And I just got it today. I keep up with the times. But this happens a lot recently…it’s getting quite amazing how much of my iPod is guilty pleasures. Still, this song as catchy as hell, especially the verses…Like, pretty much all pop-punk is that way, but my point remains.

Anyway, let’s move on, as my own relentless music talk is killing me. This is yet another post when I have nothing to talk about…My life is boring, all the time. What have I been doing? Reading, Sudoku, adding a few pictures to my crappy Killer-ised wall, listening to music, watching TV, that sort of thing…*sigh* *double sigh*. WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT ME TO TALK ABOUT,  DAMN IT?!

Oh, my family and I went on a search for rugs…we’re all into the modern, geometric sort of thing when it comes to furniture. Why oh why is, it seems, is no one else? We had to travel to what could well have been the other end of the state to go to somewhere suitable…And it had two, maybe three, ones I personally liked. My favorite was purple/gray/black tiger stripes…Some might know I have a little bit of a “thing” about tiger stripes…Neon Tiger, get it Killers fans? Anyway, after surviving all the “And you can” this and “And it’s really” that blabh blah blah from the salesperson(That was a terrible way of describing things, I know) we got this gray and red one for my parents’ bedroom…You know, even though the walls are a hideous shade of minty green.

There you go wonderful people of the internet, now you can go to one of those twenty thousand-subscribed blogs by witty, funny people who question the meaning of the life, and not thirteen year old little girls who obsess over pop songs and talk about carpets…I must sleep now, or something. I must, but I won’t, even though I’m a tad bored…

Tomorrow I go to the mall, so maybe I’ll found a stupid phrase on a t-shirt or something to ramble about. I dunno. I dunno about anything today…Weird.

- Naomi


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