Saturday, January 9, 2010


I’m sure there’s already a million blog posts out there about this album, so I may as well throw in my two cents. I have somehow managed to avoid all reviews regarding this album, perhaps by unintentionally avoiding all music sites lately, so my opinion remains untarnished.

Contra is the sophomore album from everyone’s favorite Ivy-League indie popsters, Vampire Weekend. It is very sonically similar to their self-titled debut album, though this release has them experimenting with new effects and faster tempos. The album shows a slightly more mature sound but it is not as instantly hummable as their first. I think that with time, however, it will be appreciated more than their first. It’s pretty great. Overall I like this album and it will be a good way to keep warm during this cold winter we are having – it is sweet, summery pop music, with just enough complexity to make sure you’re not bored but aren’t overwhelmed either.


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