Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chris Brown Covers 1st Edition of Newly Relaunched VIBE

VIBE Chris Brown relaunch issue Chris Brown Covers VIBE

This is the long awaited cover for VIBE’s big relaunch after they folded earlier this year. However I’m not really feeling it to be honest, I dont know what it is possibly the retouching but I feel like Chris’s face doesnt look entirely relaxed, this could be because he supposedly asking the question “R U Still Down” but compared to the preview which I showed you guys in early november I think that would have been a much better shot. Saying that it’s not a bad cover, just I’ve seen better from him and I have no doubt that he took better shots than the one they picked.

Check out the cover preview  below:

The issue goes on sale December 8th along with Chris’s new CD “Graffiti”, be sure to get yours.



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