Thursday, December 24, 2009


Bambini childrens “44 gatti” (44 cats) is one of best italian songs ever.

That song, after taking part in TV broadcast “Zecchino d’oro”  - ‘The pure gold‘ – to see many italian children’s songs go here -of 1968, became so popular that even today you can hear it whistling down the street by people.

I remember well that only a few months ago, while I was working in a factory some workers, to pass the time, sang this song while their were working.

This news certainly does not pass on the pages of the media, but I am sure that ‘44 gatti’ – 44 cats – is one of the most popular songs in Italy, despite having been 40 years of age.

The success of that song, as You can see in the video belove, it’s easy to understand: the girl who sing that song is only 4 years old, the text isn’t easy to remember and to sing; but she’si too sweet; awesome!

44 gatti in italian language:

Nella cantina di un palazzone

tutti i gattini senza padrone

organizzarono una riunione

per precisare la situazione.

Quarantaquattro gatti,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

si unirono compatti,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

coi baffi allineati,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

le code attorcigliate,

in fila per sei col resto di due.

Sei per sette quarantadue,

più due quarantaquattro!

Loro chiedevano a tutti i bambini,

che sono amici di tutti i gattini,

un pasto al giorno e all’occasione,

poter dormire sulle poltrone!

Quarantaquattro gatti,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

si unirono compatti,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

coi baffi allineati,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

le code attorcigliate,

in fila per sei col resto di due.

Sei per sette quarantadue,

più due quarantaquattro!

Naturalmente tutti i bambini

tutte le code potevan tirare

ogni momento e a loro piacere,

con tutti quanti giocherellare.

Quarantaquattro gatti,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

si unirono compatti,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

coi baffi allineati,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

le code attorcigliate,

in fila per sei col resto di due.

Sei per sette quarantadue,

più due quarantaquattro!

Quando alla fine della riunione

fu definita la situazione

andò in giardino tutto il plotone

di quei gattini senza padrone.

Quarantaquattro gatti,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

si unirono compatti,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

coi baffi allineati,

in fila per sei col resto di due,

le code attorcigliate,

in fila per sei col resto di due.

Sei per sette quarantadue,

più due quarantaquattro!

44 cats in english language:

In the basement of a tower block

all kittens masterless

organized a meeting

to clarify the situation.

Forty-four cats,

six in a row with the rest of two

joined compact

six in a row with the rest of two

aligned with the mustache,

six in a row with the rest of two

tails are twisted,

six in a row with the rest of two.

Six to seven forty-two,

plus two forty-four!

They asked for all children,

who are friends of all the kittens

one meal a day and on occasion,

to sleep on the chairs!

Forty-four cats,

six in a row with the rest of two

joined compact

six in a row with the rest of two

aligned with the mustache,

six in a row with the rest of two

tails are twisted,

six in a row with the rest of two.

Six to seven forty-two,

plus two forty-four!

Of course all children

all queues potevan pull

any time and at their pleasure,

toying with everyone.

Forty-four cats,

six in a row with the rest of two

joined compact

six in a row with the rest of two

aligned with the mustache,

six in a row with the rest of two

tails are twisted,

six in a row with the rest of two.

Six to seven forty-two,

plus two forty-four!

When at the end of the meeting

situation was defined

went into the garden throughout the platoon

those kittens without a master.

Forty-four cats,

six in a row with the rest of two

joined compact

six in a row with the rest of two

aligned with the mustache,

six in a row with the rest of two

tails are twisted,

six in a row with the rest of two.

Six to seven forty-two,

plus two forty-four!


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