Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Review: Shakira's 'She Wolf (Deluxe Version)'

I have always liked Shakira’s CDs, her mainstream pop ones that is.  Even though they have some songs all in Spanish and I have no clue what she’s singing, I still enjoy them.  I didn’t really want the deluxe version, but iTunes only had that version.  I think the difference is I got some videos and a making of video, which I could do without.

Anyway, this is a great get your ass up and dance CD.  Each song is upbeat and if you listen to the lyrics, is kind of insightful.  Everyone knows ‘She Wolf,’ which is such a great song.  I think every girl has a little bit of a she wolf in her, which is portrayed in the song.  Best line, “I’m starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office.”  Who hasn’t felt like that at one point in their life or another?


She Wolf - As stated above, just a great song all around.  Good to dance to, good to sing to.

Did It Again – About taking a leap in love and messing it up, yet again.  Again, who can’t relate to this one?  “And all the mistakes that went on too long, wish there was some way I could delete it.”

Long Time - It’s got a funky beat. Hmmm… I think this one is about sex.  “I wish that I had long legs so that I could fasten them around your body…”

Why Wait – hmmmm sex again.  Why wait for it, I guess.  This is my second favorite on the album. “Why wait for later? Obey my intuition…”

Good Stuff – It’s got a great Latin beat to it.  I think it’s about relationships and all the good stuff that goes on.  “My new resolution is to trust you…”  hmmm

Men in this Town - “Where are all the men in this town?” Enough said.

Gypsy - This is my other favorite on the album (besides the ones that are on the radio).  About relationships too and life in general.  Just getting through life and all the shit that it hands you. “I won’t back down just because life’s bit me…”

Spy – It’s got a funky beat and catchy chorus.  But I could see how it gets annoying.  Not the best song on the album. “There’s a spy by my window, I know it’s you, you like to keep an eye on me…”

Mon Amour - Damn, jealous much?  Clearly about someone who broke up with her and she’s still not over it.  Again, who can’t relate to it.  The lyrics are kind of funny.  “Hope you’ll miss me and someday you’ll see that I put my trust in you and you turned your back on me…”  Read them all here, they are good!

Loba – She Wolf en Espanol.

Lo Hecho Está Hecho – Did It Again en Espanol.

Años Luz – Why Wait en Espanol.

Give It Up To Me – Great beat.  Good club song to dance to. “Anything you want can make it yours…”

Then there are some remixes and live versions of songs.  The She Wolf video, the Making of She Wolf, and two live videos of songs.

She Wolf gets 4 ‘aaa oooos’

[Via http://pennyredstar.wordpress.com]

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