Monday, August 31, 2009

Up in the sky...there's some really sweet indie pop.

ok. So usually I don’t write a feature on a band I’ve never heard of. Heck, I never tend to write a post about a single artist/song. But I got sent something a while back that has been on repeat for a while. It’s by a band called Light in August. They’re from Michigan in the States and they’ve got an awesome poppy sound. Sounds like summer…even in the bleak Melbourne winter.

Anyway, here’s their track Northern Lights. Kinda soars and all that. Love the drumming and the guitar part. Check out their MySpace as well as their album on iTunes.

Light in August – Northern Lights

K. That’ll do the ramble for now.


A Surprise visit from Marc Wagnon of Tunnels, Brand X.

The Winchester would like to thank vibraphone master Marc Wagnon for surprising us with an inpromptu visit during the WMS3 jazz show on Saturday night, 8/29/09.  Marc was in from New York visiting Cleveland for a wedding and stopped in to The Winchester for a visit after the reception.  It was great to see him!

Well known as a progressive jazz-fusion performer, Marc Wagnon is currently in the band Tunnels with Percy Jones (  Marc is also currently a member of the jazz, R&B band Nuove Musiche with singer Sarah Pillow and guitarist John Goodsall (Brand X).

Marc is a former member of Brand X, Dr. Nerve, Shadowlines, and also has released solo albums. (

In addition, Marc is the founder of Buckyball Music ( which dedicates itself to the publishing & recording of creative and innovative music.

TUNNELS John O'Reilly Jr, Percy Jones, Marc Wagnon Musicians (Frederic Ruegg Photography)

Marc Wagnon’s Bio From All About Jazz (

Marc studied classical percussion at the Geneva Conservatory and later moved to the United States to study vibraphone and percussion at the Berklee College of Music in Boston.

Marc has performed and recorded extensively in the United States, South America and Europe with his sextet Shadowlines, the avant-rock group Dr. Nerve, Brand X, Gongzilla, and Tunnels. In addition to teaching percussion, improvisation and electronic music in New York and Europe.

Former members of Brand X include Phil Collins (who you might remember from Genesis & more), Chuck Burgi, Mike Clark, , John Giblin, John Holmes, Percy Jones, Robin Lumley, Pierre Moerlen, Morris Pert, Peter Robinson, Kris Sjobring, Marc Wagnon. (

A video of Tunnels performing live at The Winchester in Cleveland (

“Evolving from a latter generation of Brand X, Tunnels plays a peculiar mutation of jazz-rock…As always, the Tunnels sound finds strength in the superhuman stylings of the unmatched Percy Jones, fretless bassist extraordinaire, and the hyperkinetic harmonics of mallet-wielding Marc Wagnon, expert Midi vibes practitioner.”

- Mark Newman, Progression Magazine.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

#1748 - Planeta Terra confirma Primal Scream e Ting Tings

Aos poucos o line up do festival Planeta Terra, que acontece dia 7 de novembro, no Playcenter, começa a se formar. Na última semana foram anunciadas algumas das atrações.

Entre os gringos Primal Scream (Escócia) e Ting Tings (Inglaterra), do hit que tocou até em novela “That´s Not My Name“. Entre a galera local estão os brasilienses do Móveis Coloniais de Acaju, os matogrossense do Macaco Bong, os curitibocas do Copacabana Club e N.A.S.A (North America, South America), projeto do brasileiro Zé Gonzales (ex-Planet Hemp) com o americano Squeak E. Clean (irmão do Spike Jonze). Agora só faltam mais 8 bandas gringas e seis nacionais. Minhas sugestões são Crystal Castles, Glasvegas, Boss in Drama, Passion Pit, Natalie´s Portman Shaved Head, Holger e a nova banda Them Crooked Vultures.


Fãs em todo o mundo homenageiam Jackson no dia de seu aniversário

Rei do Pop faria 51 anos neste sábado (51).

Fãs de Michael Jackson se reúnem na França, Bulgária e Inglaterra.

Fãs ao redor do mundo se reuniram neste sábado (29) para homenagear o que seria o aniversário de 51 anos de idade do rei do pop Michael Jackson. Na França, Bulgária, Inglaterra e Rússia os admiradores do cantor, morto no dia 25 de junho por uma overdose de medicamentos , coreografaram passos de suas músicas, como ”Beat It” e “Thriller”. Após as coreografias, os fãs se emocionaram com a perda do astro. De acordo com a família de Jackson, o enterro do cantor foi adiado para quinta-feira (3).

Fãs participam de homenagem a Michael Jackson em Paris (França) neste sábado (29), dia em que o cantor Michael Jackson faria 51 anos de idade. (Foto: AFP)

Leia também: Morte de Michael Jackson foi homicídio, diz IML de Los Angeles

Grupo ensaia um ‘moonwalk’ em homenagem ao Rei do Pop em Londres (Inglaterra), neste sábado (29). Michael Jackson morreu no dia 25 de junho de 2009. Um relatório oficial da polícia divulgado nesta sexta-feira (28) conclui que a morte do cantor foi um homicídio, e que Jackson sucumbiu a ‘intoxicação aguda de propofol’. (Foto: AFP) Fãs de Michael Jackson se reúnem em Sófia, capital da Bulgária. O enterro do cantor aconteceria neste sábado (29), mas a família decidiu transferir a data para a quinta-feira (3). (Foto: AFP)

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Fonte: G1


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jackson's Death a Homicide...

Pop star Michael Jackson’s death has been ruled a homicide from an overdose of the anaesthetic propofol and other drugs, and police will refer the case to prosecutors for possible criminal charges, officials said on Friday.

The coroner’s ruling fuelled speculation that his doctor may face a criminal charge of manslaughter or worse.

The Los Angeles County Coroner said in a statement that propofol and the sedative lorazepam were the primary drugs responsible for Jackson’s June 25 death at the age of 50.

Other drugs found in the singer’s body were midazolam, diazepam, lidocaine and ephedrine.

Separately, the Los Angeles Police Department said its investigation was continuing but that police were referring the case to prosecutors for possible criminal charges.

Jackson, whose “Thriller” CD remains the best-selling album of all time, died suddenly after suffering cardiac arrest in a rented Los Angeles mansion only weeks before he was to begin a series of comeback concerts.

Houston-based doctor Conrad Murray was hired to care for the singer while he prepared for the concerts, and he was at Jackson’s bedside the day he died. Murray has admitted to police that he administered propofol, which is generally used in surgery, to help Jackson sleep.

In court documents, police have said Murray is the subject of a manslaughter investigation but officials have also looked into care provided to Jackson by other doctors who may have prescribed other drugs to him.

A spokesman for Murray’s lawyer said the attorney had no immediate comment.


The list of drugs in Jackson’s system reads like a cocktail of sedatives, painkillers and one stimulant. Midazolam is a sedative similar to propofol, used to make patients drowsy but not unconscious during procedures such as colonoscopies.

Diazepam, the generic version of Valium, is used to calm anxiety, while lidocaine is a painkiller and ephedrine is a stimulant.

The coroner said the complete toxicology report remained sealed at the request of the Los Angeles police and the Los Angeles County District Attorney.

Forensics expert Dr. Lawrence Kobilinsky, who chairs the Department of Science at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and is not involved in the case, said that absent the full report, it was difficult to determine whether charges would be filed against Dr. Murray and what those charges would be.

He said prosecutors would be looking at the amount of propofol and other drugs in Jackson’s system, whether errors were made in administering drugs in combination, and whether Murray gave proper dosages or a lethal dosage.

“If he administered a lethal dose of propofol, they could charge him with negligent homicide,” Kobilinsky said.

But for now, police have only said in affidavits obtained to search Murray’s office that he is the subject of an investigation for the lesser charge of manslaughter.

A spokesman for Jackson’s family issued a statement on Friday saying the family commended the actions of the coroner and other law enforcement groups and “looks forward to the day that justice can be served.”

Article from Yahoo! Entertainment


Friday, August 28, 2009

Armenian Pop Star Discards Allegations on Extra Weight!

Denies Extra Weight Allegations

Armen Grigoryan, a.k.a, Armenchik, a celebrated American-Armenian pop singer announced in a press conference on Monday that the rumors of his obesity are not true.

“I am not fat, I’m simply big boned,” stated Grigoryan in a response to reporter of Radio Liberty. “It’s a smear campaign by my opponents, the skinny losers who fail to enjoy my art,” added the musician.

Earlier last week the singer had been caught in a scandal when a paparazzi took a shot of Armenchik consuming a double-burger at McDonalds. This however, was refuted by McDonalds chain as a” black PR”. CEO of McDonalds California branch Linda Butts said: “Armenchik is not on the list of visitors of our chain for the past 3 months and the photograph is an obvious fake.”

Just big-boned

This, however, did little to smooth the tensions around the singers’ argued looks. American Association for Organic Food (AAOF) called Armenchik “Nation’s greatest Menace since WWII” and called on Law Enforcement agencies to take measures against the Armenian performer.

Former Vice-President Al Gore joint the “Armenchik” debate later on Tuesday claiming that the planet “cannot produce sufficient oxygen for individuals like Armenchik. With all respect, I must say that 35-37% of the gas emissions into the atmosphere are a direct result of unhealthy lifestyle of Armen-sized people,” concluded the former presidential wanna-be.

After arguments in California about possible deportation of the singer to Armenia, the reaction on the Armenian side followed immediately. Armenian authorities have reject any chance for Armenchik’s return to Armenia for longer than 2 weeks per year. Minister of Space of Armenia was quoted on Monday appealing to the Californian authorities “for Chirssake, we only have some 29 thousand square km room here. Have some decency and halt the deportation talks, for chrissake..”

“Armen is a charming young man and a gallant Armenian,” stated in support of the singer Shushan Petrosyan. “Not only is he not fat, but is also cute, lavish and punctual,” claimed Petrosyan.


MY TOP 10: 90s/00s Pop/R&B Divo Music Video Jump-Offs – 5. Justin Timberlake “Cry Me a River”

So, it’s been a year since I started and kicked it of with my first MY TOP 10 Countdown in September 2008.  Since was jumping off, I kicked it off with MY TOP 10: 90s/00s Pop/R&B Diva Music Video Jump-Offs.  Well, this is the twelfth month, so I thought it would create nice symmetry if I presented the men as a bookend to that very first countdown before Year 2 officially begins.  This time around the Div-Os, or Divos, will get the spotlight.

5. Justin Timberlake “Cry Me a River”

So, though this was JT’s second single (the first was BONUS video “Like I Love You”) from his solo debut, Justified, I take it as his official jump-off  because it made quite the splash. It tackily interpolated his relationship with Brit-Brit, though.  Hey, this is just one editor’s opinion, but, I can’t deny the success of this video.  He was smart to enlist Timbaland to give his N’ Sync clean-cut boy sound a grittier urban upgrade. 

***BONUS*** Justin Timberlake featuring Clipse “Like I Love You”


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jewelry, Sophisticated descarga

Sophisticated ya está aquí!

Me encanta, uno de los mejores de Jewelry a mi gusto.



2. Butterfly

3. Vari2ty

4. Strong Girl

5. Oops

6. Fantastic4

7. Sweet Boy

8. Be Rocker

9. Rally

10. Vari2ty Instrumental Version

11. Rally Instrumental Version

Descarga :

ATT: Amaisex


Living In Oblivion/The 80's Greatest Hits Vol. 5

Thanks for featuring my entries!!!!

Disc 5:

Major Tom [Coming Home] [Peter Schilling]—-I can remember how this song stirred my interest in everything Bowie when I was a freshman in college…now all these years later and the proud owner of about 60 Bowie releases….I have only the 80’s to blame. This composition is a magnificent and huge sounding excursion into space that is magically transposed onto the data tape of a recording studio. A wonderful and magical one hit wonder.

Hyperactive [Thomas Dolby]—-A clear example that the genius extends far beyond the one hit wonder status…of course if you could partake in the entire catalog of Dolby, you would know instantly of the genius that is the man. This single only proves the point that he was way before his time, skilled on machines beyond belief and a god father to the Electronic movement. This is magnificent!!!!

Promises, Promises [Naked Eyes]—-A clear example of why you cannot stick this band in the One Hit Wonder club. It is not their fault that we as Americans were to daft to take hold of their sound. This is magnificent…danceable yet distant…cold yet overwhelmingly warm……empty but brimming with emotion. Wonderful!!!!

The Promise [When In Rome]—-Thanks to Tracy…..I learned to LOVE this song because it was a favorite of yours. The song begins with an overwhelming emotional feel that you can not escape. The synth is over powering and the vocal is full of emotion and heaviness. The feel of the song just reeks of top 40o masterpiece. This is a beautiful song that never grows old…the momentum of the song will not leave you alone and the detached vocal just makes you more intrigued. This is fantastic!!!

Vienna [Ultravox]—-My vote for one of the best pop songs ever written. This is an opus in 4 minutes or less. The vocal is cold and calculated yet full of some kind of desperate emotion that you grab for when you are drowning. The layers of music only add to the desperationof the song. The voice only intensifies as the song develops and you are left hollow and aching…this is incredible!!!

Enola Gay [Orchestral Maneuvers In The Dark]—-Perhaps the best known song from this band..well, except for “If You Leave “…..this song had a social statement and was a quirky yet relevant excursion into heavy synth pop. The track was incredibly danceable and few people realizing what the song was about.

King In A Catholic Style [China Crisis]—-Yet another track that carried a socially conscious message that got lost behind the synth and the pleasant vocal delivery. The song has a heavy level of emotion, but the poppy music overwhelms the message and turns it into a feel good track.

Steady [Jules Shear]—-An almost bluesy intro into the world of synth. The song is a pleasant, sexy romp into the fringes of soul and R N B….this is seductive and sexy…I really like this….

Our Lips Are Sealed [The Fun Boy Three]—-Most people attribute this song to California New Wavers The Go-Go’s, but be rest assured, these were the architects  of the original and the fun is apparent even in their toned down version. Great re visit to a classic that got done and redone.

Pleasure And Pain [Divinyls]—-Early cross over hit for the shock new wavers that would hit the US charts years later…the band only proves here that they paid their dues.

Birds Fly [Whisper To A Scream] {The Icicle Works]—-I can tell you from personal experience, that nothing this band ever recorded sounded like this song…it is an anomaly that was never to be repeated. The band, as a nature is much more punk oriented and aggressive…this hit was a fluke that remains one of my favorite songs to this very day. The song moves at an incredible drum fueled pace that is magnificent…this is one of a kind.

The Honeythief [Hipsway]—-another one of those bands that were never able to transfer their success to the US. This is a wonderful release and a mainstay in any ones collection that takes the 80’s seriously. This is a nice jazz/R N B infused track that just reeks of slickness.

Souvenir [Rubber Rodeo]—-The song features both male and female vocals…both of which are very catchy and pleasant. The song moves at a nice pace and makes you really glad that you are able to experience it. This is nice, I love the harmonies and the great synth mixed with the live instruments.

I Wanna Be A Cowboy [Boys Don't Cry]—-One of the most stupid and sexually improper songs ever recorded…I’m ashamed that I have a copy of it…..

The Captain Of Her Heart [Double]—-Ok…. I know someone else did this song, but the name escapes me now….Bryan Ferry? …..anyways, a smooth and seductive song that makes you feel sexy if only for the piano and sax alone. This is wonderful. I love it!!!

When Your Heart Is Weak [Cock Robin]—-Again, the song begins rather sedate and takes on a more synth oriented beat by the first bar. The vocal is emotive and intense, the music driving the emotion to higher and higher levels. This is magnificent, another band I did not know, but do now. Great!

Love Changes [Climie Fischer]—-Nicely infused with a synth line that fits into the 80’s, and a vocal that makes me think of Rod Stewart from the very first note. The song reminds me of that whole time, and perhaps he remade this song at one point or another. None the less, the vocal is top notch and the music fits nicely into the 80’s genre.

More Than Physical [Bananarama]—-The song is driven by a huge and powerful synth line that just makes you feel sexy and dancy. The vocal is breathy and seductive. This is nice, I remember the awe that it brought to the dance floor upon the chorus…very nice and a tad bit ahead of its time.

Vanity Kills [ABC]—-A seductive and smooth delivery just builds on the reputation of the suave Gentlemen. This is a wonderful song that is full of layers and glimmer. Fry delivers a vocal that is both seductive and condescending…wonderful!!!!

We Close Our Eyes [Go West]—-The band would go on to become sweethearts of the US charts for a time, but it was fleeting and not meant to last. The sound of the band varied very little and perhaps that was the downfall, This is nice, but too predictable.

***1/2 out of 5


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Inget kvar?

Igår konstaterade Anders på ett vist sätt att jag inte verkar ha något liv att tala om. Det känns verkligen som om det stämmer in rätt bra just nu. Jag känner mig lite som en fluga. Jag driver omkring utan något direkt mål, och när jag vill slita mig loss börjar jag maniskt dunka huvudet i en glasruta i ett desperat försök att komma vidare. Detta fungerar naturligtvis inte. Dessa stiljen som gång på gång hemsöker mig känns omöjliga att bli av med. Jag försöker hitta min plats i världen men misslyckas samtliga gånger och då tar orken slut. Och även om jag har skaffat mig en bra uppfattning om vad det är jag behöver i livet för att känna att jag passar in, klarar jag inte av att hitta den.

Idag är det onsdag och lilla lördag. Jag vill gå ut och mingla lite varken alkohol eller wingman finns tillgänglig så det får bli hemmakväll. Det spelas en massa musik bortöver. Pop i sommarnatt? Det har passerat ovanligt mycket fjortisar utanför fönstret.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Real mother to Michael Jackson’s Kids!

Poor Michael Jackson…

Did he have any sperm at all?

To believe news reports, none of his kids are his…they all belong to a rag-tag assortment of hangers on and so-called friends that I’m happy I don’t have.

Way too much sperm was apparently swirling around Neverland. Everybody gave sperm or knows of somebody who donated sperm!

One of them, former child star Mark Lester, godfather to the King of Pop’s kids, says he might, just possibly, be the actual father of Jackson’s daughter, Paris.

He even went so far as to drag his own 15-year-old daughter in front of the camera, (Today Show) into the spotlight, so those of us who can’t rest until we know who fathered Jackson’s kids, can finally have our brains find some peace, like Michael Jackson should!

Don’t stress over it, Mr. Lester; they can’t keep the truth from her! One day she will Google who her real dad is, and your name will come up! She will be very happy you went on TV!

If I was that kid that he’s claiming to father, I’d run as far away for that odious man as I could! Supposing, just supposing, he is the girl’s father, why is he on television making his argument? Is he trying to convince us that he’s a good parent? Who’d put their kids through that?

If those kids were poor little homeless orphans, without a famous and potentially lucrative inheritance, would anybody be coming forward to “claim” them?

Why don’t I say that I’m the real mother of those kids? You know what, I never met Michael Jackson, but I could be those kids mother. Actually, I think I AM THEIR MOTHER! And I want my kids. I miss them so, you see, ever since Michael, with all his celebrity and fame paid me off and took them.

It’s true that if he was still alive today, I would not be missing them so much, but back then, they didn’t have any money of their own. Now, it’s different, with all those record sales since their dad passed away – and I WILL NOT STAND BY AND LET CATHERINE JACKSON TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY MINE!

Oooh! It was good to get that out of my system.

So, getting back to the King of Pop, the L.A. coroner has made it official. Jackson died from: an overdose of propofol…a powerful sedative he was given to help him sleep.

I would never have thought that! I was thinking all the time that he died from exhaustion, planning that concert in combination with maybe a weak heart? Who would have thought that Jackson and other celebrities indulge in drugs?

Don’t they all just die from old age? I’ve not heard of any other instances where celebrities overdosed on drugs or died from kinky asphyxiations or spousal jealousies…have you?

Jackson’s family lawyer says: “there was a tragic and gross violation of duty and care for Michael Jackson.”

Do any of the Jacksons feel that they should have been looking out for their brother/son?

Where were they while he was being overdosed, fleeced and misled? Could the Jackson family have gotten in touch with the Williams sisters dad?

Think anybody is going to get Venus or Serena Williams so befuddled as to put those tennis aces on propofol without dad Richard Williams breaking that bedroom door down and kicking some butt?

How about Tiger Woods’s dad? You think anybody could have sneaked past the late Mr. Earl Woods to put Tiger on propofol?

I loved to see Michael Jackson perofrm and pity him for his lost childhood, the push for fame and his inner misery. He clung desperately to his missed childhood!

However, Michael isn’t hurting anymore. All the hurting now is being born by those kids. Please leave them alone.

Anyone who claims to love those kids will protect them, and resolve any issues OUT OF THE SPOTLIGHT!
