Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Le français ne se chante pas

► Arnaud Fleurent-Didier – France Culture

La langue française a toujours eu ce grand défaut d’une non-musicalité intrinsèque prenante, même énervante. Ne pouvoir apprécier les plus beaux textes chantés à leur propre valeur, quelle grande tragédie. En discorde et en âpreté, elle prend pourtant toute sa grandeur à n’être rythmée que par sa propre allure, sa propre mesure qu’elle nourrit à partir de tout mot.

Le français est une langue poétique. Elle recèle un pouvoir d’enchantement par l’écoulement de sa diction, à la fois cohésive et langoureuse, mais également une intransigeance marquée par une nécessité de diction cadencée. Le français est ainsi une langue de poète, de conteur, d’esthète. A contrario de son homologue plus populiste, pourtant natif des langues germaniques, le français laisse à l’anglais sa fluidité, sa malléabilité. Sa mise en bouche fluctuante également.

On ne chante pas en français. On susurre. On suggère. On interpelle. On tranche d’avec la mélodie. On lui impose son propre rythme, son propre tempo. Le français est un rebelle esthète. Il ne convient en rien, mais se pose en porte-à-faux, seul, à deux doigts de l’éclat, en véritable anarchiste. Comme Brel et Gainsbourg avant, Marchet et Tellier hier, Arnaud Fleurent-Didier aujourd’hui. Le français ne se chante pas. Il se vit.

“France Culture” disponible sur l’album La Reproduction
Sorti le 1er octobre 2009 sur La Musique du Film.
[site officiel] – [myspace] – [acheter l'album]

An Introduction

I will be using this blog to bring you reviews of movies. These reviews will range between all different genres and movies in and out of theaters. The goal is to be able to give readers a fairly concise, readable review of whatever movie I chose to review. The movies that I choose to review that are still in theaters will be a negative or positive, depending on the quality of the movie. The movies that I choose to review that are out of theaters will tend to be positive, and usually be a recommendation on a movie you should see. My movie tastes are rather broad and tend to cater to all types of movie watchers. I will try to get one review up a week, varying on what I see, and how busy I am. If you have a personal recommendation, or want to see a movie reviewed, feel free to email me at or comment on the blog.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mera Wanda Walden…..

Wanda – I Must Be Dreamin’

Ännu en pärla med denna underskattade artist, denna gången producerad av ingen mindre än av Randy Jackson, mer känd som en av medlemmarna i den amerikanska Idol-juryn. Allt under överinseende av Narada Michael Walden som exekutiv producent. Vad som är lite intressant är att hon bara kallar sig Wanda på den här tolvan. På Don’t You Want My Lovin’ stoltserar hon däremot med sitt fulla namn, Wanda Walden. Antagligen hade de lite problem att bestämma sig för om de skulle dra nytta av hennes efternamn eller försöka sälja in henne som en helt självständig artist.



Michael Jackson: Se Agotan Entradas para Cinta del Cantante

Los boletos para ver el documental de ‘Michael Jackson: This Is It’ están vendiéndose como pan caliente alrededor del mundo
LOS ANGELES, Estados unidos, 28 sept, 2009.- Los boletos para ver el documental de Michael Jackson están vendiéndose como pan caliente alrededor del mundo.

Según la empresa Sony Pictures, cientos de funciones se han agotado desde que arrancó la venta de entradas el domingo para las funciones limitadas de Michael Jackson: This Is It.

El largometraje se construyó con material grabado durante los ensayos para la serie de conciertos que ofrecería en Londres y que se frustraron con la muerte del cantante el 25 de junio.

El documental se exhibirá el 28 de octubre durante dos semanas únicamente.

Funciones para ver los avances, también se agotaron. Los 30 mil boletos para las exhibiciones en Los Ángeles se vendieron en solo dos horas, luego de que algunos fanáticos hicieron fila con hasta tres días de anticipación.

Sony dijo que 30 mil entradas se vendieron en 24 horas en Londres, mientras que boletos por valor de un millón de dólares se vendieron en Japón en el mismo periodo de tiempo.

Monday, September 28, 2009

VA - Love Songs (4CDs) (1996) Disc 4

Artist : Various Artist
Title : Love Songs
Release date : 1996
Genre : Pop
Quality : Lossless Flac 623kbps
Total Time : 58:25.000
Total Sise : 260MB
Uploaded : Hotfile

CD 4 – If You Ever Should Leave
01. Jerry Butler – Make it easy on yourself – 02:35
02. Brook Benton – So many ways – 02:30
03. Percy Sledge – Warm and Tender Love – 03:11
04. Neil Sedaka – Breaking up is hard to do – 04:10
05. Glen Campbell – Crying – 03:18
06. Kenny Rogers – For the good times – 03:23
07. Gladys Knight & The Pips – Goodnight my love – 02:31
08. The Drifters – Stand by me – 03:53
09. Patsy Cline – Just out of reach – 02:29
10. Ella Fitzgerald – If you ever should leave – 03:14
11. Billie Holiday – More than you know – 03:07
12. Timi Yuro – I love how you love me – 02:26
13. George Benson – There will never be another you – 03:55
14. The Shangri-Las – Give him a great big kiss – 02:11
15. The Shirelles – To know him is to love him – 02:30
16. Willie Nelson – Let’s Pretend – 02:09
17. Gene Pitney – Just one smile – 02:36
18. Faron Young – Sweet Dreams – 02:42
19. John Travolta – It had to be you – 02:23
20. Billy Ocean – Love really hurts without you – 03:09


Friendly Fires

Me lembro quando vi pela primeira vez o nome dessa banda e a foto da comunidade me chamava a atenção e resolvi baxar por curiosidade, mas quem disse que achei um link logo de cara? Depois de uns minutos de pura insistência, achei! Só a busca me fez ter mais vontade ainda de ouvir o indie dançante dos Friendly Fires. E valeu muito a pena! Hoje é uma banda que ouço muito! Principalmente por faixas como On Board.

Segundos dados do, os Friendly Fires se conheceram ainda na escola St. Albans com apenas 14 anos e já formaram algumas outras bandas até chegar à que vos falo agora ao termino da faculdade. Algumas de suas músicas se encaixaram bem ao gosto de alguns gigantes da eletrônica como a Sony e chegaram a ser utilizadas em trailers promocionais de jogo computadorizados, como Gran Turismo 5 e acessórios, também para video games! Possuem apenas um cd lançado até hoje, mas já de grande sucesso – a faixa Paris foi eleita como a música da semana em algumas rádios.

Aqui para download o debut, Friendly Fires       Download

1 – Jump in the Pool 2 – In the Hospital 3 – Paris 4 – White Diamonds 5 – Strobe 6 – On Board 7 – Lovesick 8 – Skeleton Boy 9 – Photobooth 10 – Ex-lover

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Secondnights events on 27th september 09

01.09.2009 – 30.09.2009 Music Hall Of Fame’s Artists Of The Year Bringiton’s Music Hall Of Fame 03.09.2009 – 11.10.2009 THE SHORT FILM COMPETITION LA TEJITA La Tejita naturist resort 15.09.2009 – 15.11.2009 Art Exhibit Don Hosho InnerWorld Magazine 26.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

12.00 PM SLT – 10.00 PM SLT

Dance❹4Life Club & Lounge,

NYC – Grand Reopening

Dance➍Life Club & Lounge 27.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

1.00 AM SLT – 3.00 AM SLT

Romance and Love songs G&T Creations Eternal Dreams 27.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

3.00 AM SLT – 9.00 AM SLT

[EGO] Somewhere over the rainbow EGO – Exclusive Glamorous Obsession 27.09.2009

10.00 AM SLT – 12.00 PM SLT

DJ Darrin2101 Spinning Club Purple Butterflies 27.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

1.00 PM SLT – 3.00 PM SLT

Love songs , starry nights, Ocean waves………. G&T Creations Eternal Dreams 27.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

1.00 PM SLT

Fabulous Fall Fashion Show (open to view larger) - 27.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

2.00 PM SLT – 4.00 PM SLT



Beachwood Club [B-CluB] 27.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

3.00 PM SLT – 5.00 PM SLT

Solange Simondsen presents Electropop Deluxe Club Republik 27.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

4.00 PM SLT – 5.00 PM SLT

Live event (when scheduled) *AI* Beach Party Central 27.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

6.00 PM SLT – 10.00 PM SLT

Neko Night w/DJ Phant & DJ Noirran! L$250 Lounge of Dreams 27.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

7.00 PM SLT – 9.00 PM SLT

DJ Tal at *AI* Club Infinity (Sexy Sunday) *AI* Beach Party Central 27.09.2009 – 27.09.2009

7.00 PM SLT – 9.00 PM SLT

[ Best Chest ] with DJ Disco Bracken Studio54 Voodoo

More informations on, be a secondnighter today…

Os 10 mais da semana

Aos domingos, o Notas Musicais vai trazer uma lista com os 10 principais hits de cada  semana, a levar em consideração vários aspectos. Primeiro, o impacto causado no mercado da música e suas repercussões. Segundo, a frequencia com que o artista tocou em radios e teve downloads baixados na internet. E terceiro, através de um medley que reune as principais listas de parada de sucesso no mundo. Feito isso, a lista contempla 10 grandes nomes do cenário atual da música. 

A lista dessa semana não traz grandes novidades se considerarmos os nomes que foram bem comentados nos últimos dias. Até porque nenhum artista sobrevive sem noticias ou até boatos. O Natiruts foi noticia ao recusar indicação ao premio de melhor artista de reggae do VMB. Beyonce foi eleita a diva da musica pela gentileza com Taylor Swift no VMA. Bem, vamos à lista

10º Natiruts & Claudia Leite – “Sorri, Sou Rei”

9º Charlie Brown Jr. – “Me Encontra”

8º Pitty – “Me Adora”

7º Whitney Houston – “I Look To You”

6º Paramore – “Ignorance”

5º Beyonce – “Sweet Dreams”    

4º Marcelo D2 & Seu Jorge – “Pode Acreditar”

3º Pearl Jam – “The Fixer”

2º Black Eyed Peas – “I Gotta Feeling”

1º Arctic Monkeys – “Crying Lightning”

Saturday, September 26, 2009



Literatur-Nobelpreis an Bob Dylan?

Bob Dylan (*1941)

Die Berliner Zeitschrift «Literaturen» meint in ihrem jüngsten Heft, der US-Pop-, Folk- und Rocksänger Bob Dylan sollte den nächsten Nobelpreis für Literatur erhalten. Denn immerhin sei er «der einflussreichste und wirkungsmächtigste Lyriker der Moderne». Das Werk des inzwischen 68-jährigen sei «lebendig und bleibe in Bewegung, nicht zuletzt durch ihn selbst und die fortgesetzte Neuinterpretation seiner alten Songs», heißt es in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift. «Bei ihm wird aus Dichtung Musik und aus Musik Poesie», schreibt das Heft weiter; «Einer wie er sollte endlich den Literaturnobelpreis bekommen.»
Alljährlich im Oktober vergibt in Stockholm das Nobelpreis-Komitee diese in verschiedenen natur- und geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen dotierte, hoch angesehene Auszeichnung. Die Literatur-Preisträger der letzten fünf Jahre waren Elfriede Jelinek, Harold Pinter, Orhan Pamuk, Doris Lessing und Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio. Pro Jahr gehen nach inoffiziellen Angaben bis zu 300 Nominierungen in Stockholm ein. Vorschläge einreichen können neben Literatur- und Linguistikprofessoren auch frühere Preisträger, Mitglieder der Schwedischen Akademie und Vertreter von Schriftstellerverbänden.







Previsibilidade máxima

Meu irmão Diego me mostrou, esta semana, sobre um incidente no VMA 2009 em que Kanye West, famoso rapper de Atlanta, teria esculhambado com a premiação de Taylor Swift, artista pop. Ela ganhou um prêmio, o de “Melhor Clipe Feminino”, com a música “You Belong To Me”. Foi quando West subiu ao palco, tomando o microfone da mão da moça, e disse que estava feliz pelo prêmio de Taylor, mas afirmando que Beyoncé teria feito um clipe melhor.

A atitude causou desconforto à Beyoncé que, visivelmente, ficou pasma com o ato do cantor de rap.

Chegando a duras conclusões:

  1. Agora ele provavelmente vai associar os efeitos da ridícula cena protagonizada pelo mesmo a um panorama racial.
  2. Vai dizer que bebeu.
  3. Taylor Swift vai ser dita como a coitadinha. O problema não é esse, porque aparentemente ela não teve mesmo culpa de nada. Mas deixe de ser ingênuo, o VMA é muito mais do que uma premiação. Pense na importância que aquilo tem (economica, politica e musicalmente) e em quem produz o show.
  4. Já deve ter alguma revista que fez uma verdadeira sindicância da vida de West, explicando os motivos que o levaram até fazer aquela porcaria. Levantarão podres também.
  5. Jay Leno já entrevistou Kanye e ele chorou lá. Também era esperado, não?

Infelizmente, o mundo da música anda previsível demais. Musical, economica e politicamente falando, tá tudo igual a antes e não evolui. O rapper tem cara de mau; a menina é bonita, adolescente e saudável; os atos são do mesmo nível, as consequências também.

É horrível vivenciar algo com uma clara sensação de que “já viu esse filme mil vezes”.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Music is the universal language. A word may convey thousands of meanings, but a single note can articulate the most vivid emotions: from joy, pleasure, and excitement, to grief, sorrow, and despair. It heals, it inspires, it provokes, and it motivates. A familiar song can arouse memories of a smell, a taste, a place, or an entire period of your life. To try to encapsulate what music really is into a single paragraph is to neglect everything meaningful about it. We all relate to music personally. And speaking personally, I regard music as a refuge. It is an escape to a place where I can realize my imagination and completely live in that world. To someone else, it may hold an entirely different meaning, but it holds meaning nonetheless.

Everybody is capable of appreciating music, and everybody is capable of creating their own, there is no such thing as “wrong” or “right” in the art of sound. There is no “wrong” or “right” in art as a whole.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Elizabeth Taylor estaria procurando um túmulo para comprar no cemitério. Até ai, tudo bem, cada um faz o que quer com o dinheiro que tem… Mas, o detalhe é que ela quer ser enterrada ao lado de Michael Jackson! Tudo bem que ela gostava muito dele e tal… Mas, saindo do enterro dele (que alias, demorou mais pra acontecer do que a vida toda da Dercy Gonçalves) ela disse:

- ” sinto uma paz aqui que nunca tinha sentido na vida”.

Fato é que não tem túmulo ao lado de Michael a venda, e se tivesse ela teria que se degladiar com os fãs enlouquecidos do rei do pop pra conseguir o espaço… a não ser, claro, que houvesse uma intervenção do alem…

Tem que tentar, gente...

Hva er det med Sugababes?

da jeg først hørte de, var det den første singelen på MTV, nå er det ingen origianle medlemmer igjen

Sugababes da de startet

Mutya, Siobhan og Keisha var de som var de orginale, nå regjere ei som heter Heidi, hun kom inn etter Siobhan sluttet av ukjente grunner. Men dette er tredje gangen gruppen forandrer på sine medlemmer. De skal også etter kilder ha et nytt album, men skal hun nye lip sync til Keisha sin stemme?  Jeg vet ikke, men det er drama og det er ikke Sugababes som jeg hørte da jeg var mye mindre.

Bildet hentet fra:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Secondnights events on 23th september 09

01.09.2009 – 30.09.2009 Music Hall Of Fame’s Artists Of The Year Bringiton’s Music Hall Of Fame 03.09.2009 – 11.10.2009 THE SHORT FILM COMPETITION LA TEJITA La Tejita naturist resort 15.09.2009 – 15.11.2009 Art Exhibit Don Hosho InnerWorld Magazine 6.00 AM SLT – 10.00 PM SLT Virtual Impressions Huge Sale and New Location! - 10.00 AM SLT – 12.00 PM SLT DJ Darrin2101 Spinning Club Purple Butterflies 10.00 AM SLT – 12.00 PM SLT DJ Darrin Spinning Club Purple Butterflies 11.59 AM SLT DJ M4TT Humphreys Castle of music 12.00 PM SLT – 2.00 PM SLT Bogart’s JAZZ LUNCH with DJ Bear Bogart’s Jazz Club & Shops 1.00 PM SLT – 3.00 PM SLT Housefixation @ Woods House Club - Woods - 1.00 PM SLT – 3.00 PM SLT EGO’S Soundtrack EGO – Exclusive Glamorous Obsession 1.00 PM SLT TRANSIENT ZELUCO live dj set POETIK Velvets 1.30 PM SLT Summer Movies La Tejita naturist resort 2.00 PM SLT – 4.00 PM SLT Bogart’s JUST JAZZ with DJ Quirky Torok Bogart’s Jazz Club & Shops 4.00 PM SLT – 5.00 PM SLT JCNY Showcase models announced Farrah Island 6.00 PM SLT – 10.00 PM SLT Best in Red w/DJ Rudd & DJ Kristen!

L$250 in Prizes

Lounge of Dreams 6.00 PM SLT – 8.00 PM SLT Live event (when scheduled) Arubia Introduces 6.00 PM SLT – 8.00 PM SLT DJ PW Inferno Ice 6.30 PM SLT – 8.30 PM SLT A Red Carpet Affair at LA Sky Studios,

a formal with Lve DJ

LA SKY STUDIOS 7.00 PM SLT – 9.00 PM SLT Hump Day Happy Hours Las Princesas Dance Club 7.00 PM SLT – 9.00 PM SLT [ Rockstar] with DJ Netra Emms Studio54 Voodoo 8.00 PM SLT – 10.00 PM SLT DJ SodaPop Inferno Ice

More informations on, be a secondnighter today…

Videos Nuevos

Primero que nada quisiera expresar mi desagrado(con Blogger) por que e visto y me han dicho que han estado cerrando varios blogs de musica, tales como Indiepassion o Discotheke, bueno ahora si, les dejo primero una nueva cancion de los Friendly Fires, se llama Kiss Of Life, y aunque todavía no se sabe nada de algun nuevo album, si son asi se perfila muy bien.

Ahora otros que se perfilan muy bien, y es para un tercer disco donde generalmente las bandas toman un gran paso, se quedan en el intento de ser una gran banda pero terminan quedando a penas por sobre el monton, como le paso a razorlight, o con su tercer disco se consagran como una banda totalmente distinta al resto y mejor, es el caso de arctic monkeys, claro esta en mi opinion, ahora le toca atravezar por esto a Editors que nos presentan su primer single de su tercer disco, se llama Papillon.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hot love

Ich war elf, und es war Sommer. Ich lag neben meiner großen Schwester auf dem Balkon. Sie döste in der Sonne, ich hörte die Top Twenty Show von Radio Luxemburg. Weil das Lied, auf das ich wartete, immer noch nicht gelaufen war, konnte es nur ganz oben sein. An der Spitze. Die Nummer 1. Eigentlich. Oder Deutschland war Unterammergau, und zwar so was von, das konnte natürlich auch sein, soviel war mir damals schon klar.

Dann kündigte der Discjockey den Spitzenreiter an, und die ersten Takte setzten ein. HOT LOVE! Tatsächlich!

Ich drehte den Lautstärkeregler des BAJAZZO Koffer-Radios bis zum Anschlag hoch, und meine Mutter kam aus ihrer Küche angelaufen.
“Nicht so laut, es ist Sonntag!”
Selbst meine Schwester zeigte mir den Vogel.
“Ich glaub, es hackt!”
Dabei wollte ich ihr nur imponieren.
“Hot love”, strahlte ich zum Radio hin. “T.Rex!”

Noch immer dröhnte das lange Gitarrenintro über den aufgehitzten Balkon, bis Marc Bolans Stimme endlich einsetzte.
“WELL SHE’S MY WOMAN IN GOLD”, heulte er durch die Nase, “BUT SHE’S NOT VERY OLD, A-HA-HA.”
Ich war elf und kapierte kaum, was Marc Bolan damit meinte, aber egal, SEINE PUPPE WAR AUS GOLD, NICHT SEHR ALT!


Ich hatte den Song bis dahin ein einziges Mal gehört und es war purer Sex gewesen, aber dieses zweite Mal fegte mich nun vom Balkon: Das war Himmel, Volldampf und ein Hammer! Alles zugleich!

Keine Frage, am nächsten Tag würde ich bei Radio Palenschadt am Neumarkt oben die Single kaufen, vom Taschengeld für übernächste Woche.
Beschlossene Sache!
“Mach endlich die Musik leiser, was sollen die Nachbarn denken?!” fauchte meine Mutter.
“Ja, schon gut..”
Ich schraubte die Lautstärke minimal herunter, es war auch zu lächerlich! Das alles nur wegen Frau Sieloff eine Etage unter uns, deren gewaltiger Atombusen ständig über den Balkon hing, wie mein Vater uns Kindern zuzwinkerte.

Nachdem Mutter wieder in der Küche verschwunden war, stellte ich mit pochendem Herzen meiner Schwester die Frage aller Fragen, die ein Elfjähriger stellen kann, seiner sieben Jahre älteren Schwester, die unnatürlich ruhig, ja teilnahmslos auf ihrer Campingliege döste.
“Wie findest du Hot Love?”
“Mh? Blöd.”

Ich war ruckzuck am Boden. Zerstört, im Eimer. Ich war frühpensioniert, ich war am Arsch. Das allersexiste Lied, das mir jemals untergekommen war, sexier als Sugar Sugar von den Archies, und was fiel meiner Schwester dazu ein?
“Mh? Blöd”.

Nach diesem Sommersonntag 1971 war sie für mich erledigt. Sie war eine verknöcherte alte Frau, für die der bereits Zug abgefahren war, mit 18 Jahren. Sollte sie doch ihrem Jimi Hendrix nachtrauern. Sollte sie doch Ricky Shayne hören. Ich blieb ein glühender Verehrer von T.Rex, bis ich im Herbst 1977 aus der Zeitung erfuhr, dass Marc Bolan tödlich verunglückt war. Mit dem Austin Mini hatte er sich auf einer Landstraße in England um einen Baum gewickelt. Nun, mein Herz war ja bereits vom Balkon gestoßen wurden, nur für ihn.

umrk web radio beatles oldies rock live weekly

UMRK Oldies Web Radio is my pet project. Bringing  back the sound of the great top forty radio stations of the sixties and seventies with lots of great music, jingles, reverb, personality, requests and more! Each and every Sunday Night at 9pm Eastern we present an hour of Beatles rarities, sixties, seventies, oldies, pop, classic rock, nostalgia and more.  We feature acts like the Who, Monkees, ELO, Kinks, British Invasion all lovingly presented in stereo.

Hosted by Rev Greg from the UMRK Web Radio studios. Each show runs three to four hours on the channel. It’s also simulcast on our website at .

We also podcast all the shows the next day so you can enjoy them for months in the archive cue.  Stop by, chat, say hi, request some songs and get groovy!

See you there!

Rev Greg

Monday, September 21, 2009

Song Of The Week

As it was Dan Gillespie Sells’ birthday yesterday, I think it’s only fitting that a Feeling song is song of the week this week. So, this weeks song of the week is…

I Thought It Was Over by The Feeling

Where to begin?!

Well, firstly it’s one of the only songs which springs to mind, that I have never got bored of. I don’t think the moment has ever occurred when this has come on my MP3 player and I’ve thought “I don’t want to listen to this right now”. That in itself is an achievement!

Having recently been learning to play this on keyboard, I’m really appreciating just how beautifully structured it is! It’s barely been out of my head in weeks, and I’m loving it!

As a massive fan of The Feeling, nothing compares to standing on the front row at a gig, (the first time I’ve ever been right at the front for a gig!) hearing the first few bars of “I Thought It Was Over” and watching in awe as “the wall comes down” to reveal The Feeling! Such wonderful memories! x

Guilty-Pleasure Mix

Photo from Fashion Mongers

I realize that a great number of my posts lately begin with my complaints about the rain…  I’m sorry but it hasn’t stopped and I’m verrrry over it.  Anyway, I decided a… pop-y-dance-y-guilty pleasure mix might be a way to psych myself out of this weather-induced funk.

Mixtape: Guilty Pleasure Mix

(secretly) Enjoy!


P.S.  Dalton, this is for you!!!  Muah!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Voluntary Butler Scheme - Trading Things In

It sounds like a band. I thought it was a band. It isn’t a band.

The Voluntary Butler Scheme - "At Breakfast, Dinner, Tea"

The Voluntary Butler Scheme is Rob Jones, a few instruments and a loop station. I saw him perform at the Slaughtered Lamb last week and literally didn’t stop grinning the whole set, particularly as his music was such a startling contrast to the world-hating, droll life-commentary of Superman Revenge Squad who came before (which was also fairly cool).

The Voluntary Butler Scheme – Trading Things In (youtube)

I know the loop station thing has been done before, probably fairly famously by KT Tunstall on Later With Jools Holland a few years back, but VBS’s “a-ha! it worked!” style of showmanship brought a smile to my face…he was like a kid who’d just witnessed the eruption of the paper maché and baking soda volcano he’d made for a school science project.

Happy, 60s-style, classic pop – the sound reminds me a little of the Beatles, but updated somewhat – that incorporates keyboards, drums, a tambourine, I think I remember a ukulele…and a kazoo.

His new album, “At Breakfast, Dinner, Tea”, was in early September on Split Records and he’s currently giving away a 4-track EP and a bonus on Music Glue, which can also be reached from his MySpace.

His music displays an innocence and hopefulness that I haven’t heard in a long time: A happy young man, singing happy songs, about happy things…

Protect the U.S. From Obesity With a Soda Tax!!!

What would we do without our Government?  We would probably be fat and drink too much Coke and Pepsi!

We get it, the government wants money, but to try to sell that concept as a benefit to the American People to help prevent obesity is a hilarious concept.  If we are attempting to prevent obesity, maybe a more practical alternative would be taxing candy bars, donuts, and Doritos.  Or maybe, just maybe, obesity is directly related to the ratio of calories you consume versus the calories your body burns!

Funny how this is discussed as we are working on a plan for Health Care Reform!  How else can we afford the billions upon billions of dollars this reform will cost us?

I will cut taxes – cut taxes – for 95 percent of all working families, because, in an economy like this, the last thing we should do is raise taxes on the middle class. -Barack Obama

Thank the Lord the US Government is here to protect us!  Since we could never possibly control our own compulsions, we must rely on them to make sure we do not consume in excess.  This tax was projected at 3 cents per 12 ounces.  If you want a can of Mt. Dew, would this stop you?  I can sell the lint in my pocket for 3 cents, or at the very least find it in my couch, so if anyone can explain to me how this will protect us from anything, please let me know.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pet Shop Boys/The 'Disco' Series Vol 1-4 [Vol. 2]

Disco 2 was released in 1994. The disc features  club remixes from the Pet Shop Boys release Very in a continuous mix by Danny Rampling. It is sometimes monotonous and confusing, but the music stands on its own.

Absolutely Fabulous [Rollo Our Tribe Tongue In Cheek Mix]—-The one off single that was not on the Veryreleaae, this single was a subtle [or not] shout out to the famously successful BBC show of the same name. This remixed version has more pizzazz and zing than anything the original could dream of. The synth movements are masterful and made for the sweaty dance floor. the pace of the song is incredibly fast but the dub style vocal becomes tiresome after a time. All in all, this was exquisite in pace and delivery…the bass is climatic!!!

I Wouldn’t Normally Do This Kind Of Thing [Beatmasters Extended Nude Mix]—-The mix is confusing as you suddenly land in the middle of this grand single from the Very album. One of my very favorite PSB singles, I love the speed of the song intermixed with a slight regrettable melancholy. This is fabulous!!!!

I Wouldn’t Normally Do This King Of Thing [DJ Wild Pierre Wild Patch Mix]—-The mix of the previous song sways into this more abrasive version at the flip of a coin and the song takes on a more metallic feel and disconnected feel. The sounds slide along as the song keeps up the miraculous pace and the vocals are more dub style and intermittent…not a favorite.

Go West [Farley & Heller Mix]—-You feel the mix beginning to happen as one song shifts into the other….the sound slows and becomes more coherent as the previous mix diminishes. The sound of the song is not immediately enjoyable as the mixers mess with the style of the song. The vocal seems to be stretched out and more tenor than normal and the manipulation does the song no justice. This is a remix that missed the songs clear qualities by a boat full…I found this a disappointment.

Liberation [E-Smoove 12" Mix]—-Not a favorite of mine, I did not find all of the Diva styled vocals to be flattering to the mix. The sound of The Boys is gone completely and this becomes an anonymous studio group rendition….this is terrible!!!

So Hard [Morales Red Zone Mix]—-Visiting the BehaviourCD, this remix was a surprise for me on this disc. The remix is full of hard dance grooves and spacey synth sounds that instantly suck you in…through the headphones, the sounds swirl around your brain and ping from ear to ear. The groove is there and you keep waiting for the original sounds of the song to burst through…you wait and you waoit….and it never materializes as you anticipated….another disappointment. The interesting and fun part is that the end of the ‘first side’ exits with the female characters from ‘Ab Fab’….and then segues into….

Can You Forgive Her [Rollo Dub]—-From hundreds of songs that PSB have collected, I can count on one hand those I really. really dislike…..this is one of those. Don’t like it never did…..this version leaves me empty and hollow,,,same as the original. Only to be followed up by….

Yesterday, When I Was Mad [Junior Vasquez Fabulous Dub]—-one of my all time favorite tracks from the synth Gods. The song begins at an odd pace and just grows faster and faster as the song continues until it becomes almost maddening. Losing almost all of the signature sounds of the original, the song is an acid house induced romp that will make you crazy after at time with the speed of the synth. The song slows, but the garage style beats are overwhelming. Just as suddenly, you are getting glimpses of the next track through the mix……

Absolutely Fabulous [Tongue In Cheek Mix]—-A clearly distorted and ruination of a fantastic single, the mix leaves me empty and without words..I am disappointed with the reworkings and obliteration of the original brilliance. We are rewarded towards the end of the mix when the song becomes alive and bass heavy…the end is hardly worth the wait though.

Yesterday, When I Was Mad [Coconut 1 12" Mix]—-The song enters the fray through the last mix and you are almost joyful that the previous track has ended…the song has a nice synth delivery that makes you want to rave for days. the comfortable vocals of Tennant play way under the hyper kinetic delivery of the music..this mix allows the true brilliance of the song to shine through…even in this reworked and wild version, the sadness and melancholy are very apparent. this is freakin’ brilliant…don not pass this mix up!!!!

Yesterday, When I Was Mad [Jam & Spoon Mix]—-The mix begins as a nice interloped version of the beginning, with this one being even more dance oriented. The synth sounds and computer generated sounds are so pleasing and comfortable, you allow yourself to be pulled into the haze. The vocal is an intermittent delivery that only accentuates the music. This is masterful…a great mix and contrast in sound of the same song. Wnderful…get this….now!!!

We All Feel Better In The Dark [Brother In Rhythm After Hours Cinema Mix]—-Ending this rather hyper and all over the place release with this nice mellow obscure B-side, the Boys allow you a proper cool down. The synth sounds are a masterful combination of mellow and acid fueled ecstasy. This is a wonderful way to end a rather disappointing follow up to a masterful debut way back in ‘86. A nice way to round out all of the Ibiza styled mania.

*** out of 5

Friday, September 18, 2009

“La Ley del Desierto, La Ley del Mar”, 25 años después

En 1984 Radio Futura publicó el que para mí es el mejor disco de su carrera “La Ley del Desierto, La Ley del Mar”, uno de los pocos discos conceptuales de la sobrevalorada “Movida Madrileña”.

El segundo álbum del grupo, tras Música Moderna, fue un éxito de ventas pese a no estar su mentor inicial, Herminio Molero.

Del disco se extrajeron singles muy conocidos como: “Escuela de calor”, “Historia de play-back”, “En Portugal”, “Un africano por la Gran Vía” y “Semilla Negra.

Pero también estaban temazos como “Hadaly”, “La ley”, “Oscuro affaire”, “La Secta del Mar” y “El nadador”.

Confieso que a mí me cuesta encontrar hoy en día a un grupo español que publique tantas canciones buenas en un solo trabajo.

¿Te atreves a elegir tu canción favorita del disco?

View This Poll


La relectura de “Historia de play-back”  por Enrique Urquijo, del disco homenaje a Radio Futura “Arde la calle”

Y a los que os guste la música ochentera os recomiendo Musikiki, un blog que está dando las “100 razones para salvar los años 80″.

Eiza Gonzalez: La Cantante esta Lista para Lanzamiento de su Disco

por: Gerardo Jiménez

Fuente: Televisa Espectáculos

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, México, sep. 17, 2009.- Eiza González declara que todo se encuentra listo para su debut oficial como solista.

“El disco saldrá a la venta el 27 de octubre, el sencillo ya viene a la radio y empezaremos promoción en provincia, ahorita estamos entrando al D.F. y haciendo muchos festivales de radio, ahorita nos vamos a Toluca, Matamoros y Guadalajara”, reveló Eiza.

Para llegar a trascender en un mercado tan competitivo por el momento la actuación pasará a un segundo plano.

“Empezaré a hacer una película y estoy en lecturas de una obra de teatro que alternaría porque no tendría tiempo y por eso no quiero meterme a la actuación, para enfocarme de lleno en la música”, dijo.

Eiza tendrá como competencia más directa a Anahí, Dulce María y Belinda, casi todas ellas símbolos de las telenovelas de Pedro Damián y ahora serán rivales.

“Realmente uno se enfoca en el trabajo, soy una persona que está enfocada el cien y no le gustan los chismes ni perder el tiempo en cosas que puedan robar mi atención y no me importa si hay competencia o no, la competencia es con una misma”, explicó.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Celebration, il video con i fans

Finalmente il video con i fans protagonisti!! E sopratutto la magnifica Lola addobbata a battona Like-a-virgin style… Sicuramente meglio del primo, ma sempre una mezza cagata!

Invece cliccando qui potete ascoltare su YouTube Revolver, l’altro inedito tratto dal GH prossima uscita. Di questo che ve ne pare? Molto meglio Celebration per me…

Se il video su YouTube lo togliessero, andate da Pop, che ce l’ha in playlist!

Belinda: La Cantante & Actriz no esta Embarazada dice Rosy Ocampo

Fuente: Televisa Espectáculos

La productora de ‘Camaleones’ defiende a Belinda, quien se siente mal por tantas críticas y mentiras

En torno a los rumores de que la protagonista femenil de Cameleones, Belinda, está embarazada, la productora de esta telenovela, Rosy Ocampo, afirmó que es mentira:

“La verdad es que se dicen muchas cosas de Belinda, pero te puedo decir que ella es una joven muy talentosa y profesional; yo no sé por qué unos medios se han ensañado con Belinda; no lo entiendo”.

Las especulaciones de que Belinda podría estar embarazada, surgieron porque hace unos días, la actriz sufrió un desmayo: “Ese día se sintió mal, porque grabamos por muchas horas y no se alimentó bien, pero eso fue todo; ella no está embarazada; por favor, dejen de inventar historias”, señaló Rosy Ocampo.

La productora de Camaleones pidió que las críticas hacia Belinda cesen, porque ella es una mujer que sólo se dedica a trabajar, por lo que no es justo que publiquen mentiras que afectan a la joven actriz y cantante.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homenaje a MJ de Janet y Madonna en los VMA 2009


En los premios de VMA 2009 (Madrugada Domingo-Lunes), se rindió homenaje a Michael Jackson. La gala comenzó con algunas palabras de Madonna hacia el Rey del Pop y se realizaron algunos bailes ( Thriller o Scream). Éste último fue interpretado por su hermana Janet.


Michael Jackson nacio en Agosto de 1958, yo tambien. Michael Jackson crecio en los suburbios del medio oeste, yo tambien. Michael tenia 8 hermanos, yo tambien. Cuando Michael tenia 6 se convirtio en una superestrella y el niño mas amado del mundo. Cuando yo tenia 6, perdi a mi madre. Creo que el la tuvo peor ,porque yo nunca tuve una madre, pero él nunca tuvo infancia. Y cuando no consigues tener algo, te obsesionas con eso. Yo me pasé mi infancia buscando figuras maternas. Algunas veces tuve éxito, pero, cómo recreas tu infancia cuando estás bajo la lupa del mundo?

No hay duda que Michael era uno de los mejores talentos que el mundo haya visto jamas. Cuando cantaba a los 8 años, parecia un adulto y te apretaba el corazon con sus palabras. La manera en que se movia contenia la elegancia de Fred Astaire y la fuerza de Muhammed ali. Su musica tenia una capa extra de inexplicable magia, que no solo te hacia bailar, sino que parecia podias volar, soñar, ser todo lo que deseabas ser. Eso es lo que hacen los heroes, y el lo era.

Actuo en estadios alrededor del mundo, vendio cientos de millones de discos, se codeo con primeros ministros y presidentes, las chicas y los chicos se enamoraban de el, querian bailar como el, parecia de otro mundo, pero era humano. Como muchos artistas, estaba plagado con timidez e inseguridades.

No fuimos grandes amigos, pero en 1991, decidi que queria conocerlo mejor, y lo invite a cenar, le dije YO PAGO, YO MANEJO, SOLO VOS Y YO. El acepto y vino a mi casa sin guardaespaldas, fuimos al restoran en mi auto, estaba oscuro, pero el tenia aun sus anteojos. Le dije MICHAEL, PARECE QUE LE ESTOY HABLANDO A UNA LIMOUSINA, PODES QUITARTE LAS GAFAS ASI PUEDO VER TUS OJOS. Hizo una pausa, tiro los anteojos por la ventana , me guiño un ojo y sonrio ME PODES VER AHORA, ESTA MEJOR?

En ese momento pude ver su vulnerabilidad y su encanto. Durante la cena intente que comiera frituras, beba vino , comiera postre y maldijera, pero el nunca se permitia hacer tales cosas. Luego, fuimos a mi casa a ver una pelicula, y nos sentamos en un sillon como dos niños. En algun momento , tomo mi mano, y me di cuenta que el buscaba un amigo, mas que un romance. Me gusto ser yo quien provocara eso en el.En ese momento, lo senti como una persona, no como una superestrella. Salimos un par de veces mas, y luego por alguna razon, perdimos contacto. Luego, la caceria de brujas comenzo, y parecia ser que historias negativas, tras historias negativas aparecian sobre el. Sentia su pena.Se lo que se siente caminar por la calle y que todos esten contra tuyo. Se lo que se siente sentirse indefenso y pensar que la voz de la muchedumbre es tan fuerte, que tu propia voz nunca podra ser escuchada.

Pero yo tuve una niñez y permisos para equivocarme, y buscar mi camino en un mundo sin flashes. Cuando me entere que Michael habia muerto estaba en LONDRES, a dias de empezar mi tour, en el mismo lugar donde el tocaria despues. Todo lo que pude pensar es que lo habia abandonado. LO habiamos abandonado. Que habiamos permitido que esta criature tan magnifica que alguna vez prendio fuego al mundo, se escurriera por las grietas. Mientras el construia su familia y recobraba su carrera, todos estabamos muy ocupados juzgando. Le dimos la espalda.

En un intento desesperado de no olvidarlo, fui a Internet a mirar clips de el bailando y cantando y pense DIOS, ERA TAN UNICO, TAN ORIGINAL, TAN RARO. Y NUNCA VA A HABER ALGUIEN COMO EL, NUNCA MAS. Era un rey. Pero tambien era un humano, y como todos los humanos, a veces tenemos que perder las cosas para realmente valorarlas. Quiero terminar esto de manera positiva , mis hijos de 9 y 4, estan obsecionados con michael. Hay mucho agarre de entrepierna y moonwalks en mi casa, y parece que hay una nueva generacion de chicos descubriendo al genio, y trayendolo a la vida nuevamente. Espero que donde este, este sonriendo por eso.

Si, Michael era humano, pero carajo, era el rey. LARGA VIDA AL REY

*Traducido por Rockin Robin para

Para la descarga de ambos videos:

Review: Black Eyed Peas -- I Gotta Feeling (iTunes #1)

A recurring feature on this blog is going to be reviews of the songs at the top of the charts.  I use the singles chart at iTunes as a good representative of what’s popular at the moment.  To choose what to review, I’ll start at #1 or keep on moving down the list, skipping over songs I’ve already reviewed.  Some of these songs may be terrible.  Hopefully some will be good.  Who knows?  There won’t be any wishy-washy rating scales here; there are only two choices, thumbs up or thumbs down.  LIVE OR DIE.  (Too dramatic?  Maybe.)  Not gonna lie, I’m mostly doing this because I have trouble remembering the order of the numbers on a 1-10 scale.

Listen to “I Gotta Feeling”.

This review comes at a time when, apparently, the Black Eyed Peas have reached an astonishing 23 weeks at the top of the Billboard charts– a record.  “I Gotta Feeling”– at, naturally, #1 on the iTunes chart as well, is a hard song to review, because I gotta mixed feelings about it, so I’ll break it down into pros and cons:


  • Nice strong chord progression.
  • Fun, breezy vibe that definitely lends itself to the pre-partying atmosphere described in the song.
  • This song puts more Yiddish terminology on the radio than anything since Fiddler on the Roof. 
  • Fergie maniacally yelling “drank!”
  • I actually thought this song was really fun when I first heard it and didn’t know who it was by yet.
  • It’s better than “Boom Boom Pow” (but so are the tortured shrieks of the damned).


  • There’s not really any singing or rapping, just a feeble approximation of both.  So basically, par for the course for the Black Eyed Peas.
  • Stupid lyrics.  Par for the course, etc.
  • At almost five minutes this song seems endless.  I think I entered and graduated college while this song was playing.

Ultimately, this song has to be given a grudging thumbs-up.  Ideally The Black Eyed Peas would just go away, but unfortunately this seems to be only Phase I of their ascent, and sort-of-not-bad is the best we can hope for from them at the moment.  Take it away, Maybe A Telemarketer Woman!

It’s interesting to note that the Black Eyed Peas seem to have given up any pretenses towards hip-hop.  I mean, this song is less street than Enya.  And that’s not very street at all.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

free downloads - múm, the clean and telekinesis (morr)


hej leute,

jens von  morr-music hat uns drei links bereitgestellt, hinter denen sich ein paar hörproben des neuen múm-albums(release letzter monat), sowie die ersten outputs von telekinesis und the clean auf morr-music verstecken. Eine ausführliche Besprechung des múm-Albums folgt in der nächsten Woche. kostja


múm – sing along

telekinesis – coast of carolina

the clean – in the dreamlife you need a rubber soul

Song of the Week: "Sweet Talkin' Woman" by Electronic Light Orchestra

Artist: Electric Light Orchestra

Album: Out of the Blue

Released: November 1977

Label: Columbia

So my lack of dedication to this blog has been quite substantial however I would like to make up for it by returning with some new songs and albums to show off. I’ll be taking the plunge with a song that I have been enamored with for the past few days. ELO’s (Electronic Light Orchestra) Sweet Talkin’ Woman is one of my favorite more poppy songs by the Group. If you have never heard of Jeff Lynne (singer, guitarist and chief song writer) now is your chance. All of your favorite ELO tunes, you have them even if you don’t know you do, were written by Lynne. Tangent: Lynne was also in an 80’s supergroup called The Traveling Wilburys which included some good company being that Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, George Harrison and Roy Orbison were all making sweet music babies together but I digress.

Sweet Talkin’ Woman came on to my FM the other day and it inspired me to buy ELO’s Greatest Hits; I know a greatest hits, how daring. But nevertheless after one listen I needed that song at my fingertips. Coming off of the 1977 Out of the Blue among many other singles off of the album. The song itself uses effects on vocals better than Cher or Kanye ever did and like all ELO songs the string section adds so much. But what really gets me each time I listen to the song is the chord progression. Well, don’t take my word for it here is a live version with all of ELO’s hair glory.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Janet Jackson's VMA Tribute to her Brother, MJack*


OMG! This was soooo awesome!  Janet did a great job-tho she doesnt dance like she used to back in he dayh-she did the dayumm thang!  I read that she rehearsed 15 hrs str8 on this. 

It was great.  You can see err body in the audience gettin ready; Beyonce, Alicia Keyes tellin somebody “here it come”…

She was off the chain.

I got a lil misty-eyed…

Heres the Scream vid- u can see the original routine-and Janet is HOT in this vid!

When I Look At You_-

Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody needs a song

Beautiful melody, when the nights so long

Cause there is no guarantee

That this life is easy (Yeah)

When my world is falling apart,

when there is no light to break up the dark

That’s when I (I) look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore and I

can’t find my way home anymore

That’s when I (I) look at you

When I look at you

I see forgiveness, I see the truth

You love me for who I am like the stars

hold the moon

Right there where they belong and I know

I’m not alone (Yeah)

When my world is falling apart,

when there is no light to break up the dark

That’s when I (I) look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore and I

can’t find my way home anymore

That’s when I (I) look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore and I

can’t find my way home anymore

That’s when I (I) look at you

You appear just like a dream to me

Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me

All I need every breath that I breathe

Don’t you know you’re beautiful (Yeah, Yeah)

When the waves are flooding the shore and I

can’t find my way home anymore

That’s when I (I) look at you

You appear just like a dream to me.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dancefloor is burning 53 : l'appel de Londres

Cosmopolite, carrefour du monde, capitale du pays de la pop, Londres a bizarrement été peu chantée. Passez de l’autre côté de la Manche avec quelques spécimens de titres dédiés à la mégapole.

  1. London by Night - Frank Sinatra
  2. Waterloo Sunset - The Kinks
  3. The Great London Traffic Warden Massacre – Morcheeba
  4. London Calling – The Clash
  5. Cemeteries of London - Coldplay
  6. London Beckoned Songs About Money By Machines – Panic At The Disco
  7. (I Don’t Want To Go To) Chelsea – Elvis Costello
  8. London’s Burning – The Clash
  9. Down in the Tube Station at Midnight – The Jam
  10. London Rain (Nothing Heals Me Like You Do) – Heather Nova
  11. The Guns of Brixton – The Clash
  12. London Bridges - Fergie
  13. Landing In London – 3 Doors Down
  14. London Skies – Jamie Cullum
  15. London Chimes – Paul Hardcastle
  16. Werewolf In London – Warren Zevon
  17. London Blues – Canned Heat
  18. No Place Like London – Jamie Campbell Bower & Johnny Depp

Envie du rosbeef, téléchargez la playlist ici

Tous ces titres sont également disponibles sur iTunes Music Store.

Paper Bags And Plastic Hearts; All Are Belongings In Shopping Carts

Hey guys,

Hmm…As you’re probably not thinking, what is on my mind at the moment, yes? The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls, primarily, as it has been for a large part of the day. I just bought it, and Lies by McFly, which quite clearly shows the immaculate quality of my music tastes nowadays. This must’ve come out about two years ago, right? And I just got it today. I keep up with the times. But this happens a lot recently…it’s getting quite amazing how much of my iPod is guilty pleasures. Still, this song as catchy as hell, especially the verses…Like, pretty much all pop-punk is that way, but my point remains.

Anyway, let’s move on, as my own relentless music talk is killing me. This is yet another post when I have nothing to talk about…My life is boring, all the time. What have I been doing? Reading, Sudoku, adding a few pictures to my crappy Killer-ised wall, listening to music, watching TV, that sort of thing…*sigh* *double sigh*. WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT ME TO TALK ABOUT,  DAMN IT?!

Oh, my family and I went on a search for rugs…we’re all into the modern, geometric sort of thing when it comes to furniture. Why oh why is, it seems, is no one else? We had to travel to what could well have been the other end of the state to go to somewhere suitable…And it had two, maybe three, ones I personally liked. My favorite was purple/gray/black tiger stripes…Some might know I have a little bit of a “thing” about tiger stripes…Neon Tiger, get it Killers fans? Anyway, after surviving all the “And you can” this and “And it’s really” that blabh blah blah from the salesperson(That was a terrible way of describing things, I know) we got this gray and red one for my parents’ bedroom…You know, even though the walls are a hideous shade of minty green.

There you go wonderful people of the internet, now you can go to one of those twenty thousand-subscribed blogs by witty, funny people who question the meaning of the life, and not thirteen year old little girls who obsess over pop songs and talk about carpets…I must sleep now, or something. I must, but I won’t, even though I’m a tad bored…

Tomorrow I go to the mall, so maybe I’ll found a stupid phrase on a t-shirt or something to ramble about. I dunno. I dunno about anything today…Weird.

- Naomi


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tori Amos Manchester Apollo Sunday 6 September 2009

Toris Amos Manchester Apollo Sunday 6 September 2009

Review by Laura

I began listening to Tori around the age of 14, discovering her on a mix tape my friend had created for me. Since then I’ve bought a number of her albums and always expressed an interest in seeing her when she next came to England. SO, when a few months ago dad told me of some up-coming British dates, I did my best to persuade him to book tickets. This wasn’t a difficult task and so on Sunday afternoon around 3 pm, dad and I took a slow drive to Manchester, not quite sure what to expect from the evening’s concert.

We arrived at the Apollo in good time and noticed a gathering of fans grouped around the stage door. After joining them it became clear that they were expecting Tori to make an appearance. However, as the time approached 7, when the theatre doors were due to open, it became clear that no such appearance was to take place, so dad and I took our positions in the long queue to enter the building.

After Dad got a programme and I bought a t-shirt, we took our seats in the centre of the tenth row of the stalls, with an excellent view of the stage. The support act (?) took to the stage around 8 o’clock and proved to be quite interesting. They had a unique sound, traditional folk fused with complicated rhythms, keyboard effects and trumpet solos. Dad and I both enjoyed their 30 minute set.

At 9 o’clock Tori finally appeared to a very enthusiastic reception. Her opening number was a highly energetic version of “Give” which fused seamlessly into “caught a lit sneeze”, both of which received an excellent response from the crowd. Tori’s voice was incredibly strong, live performance perhaps doing it more justice than any recording I’ve heard of her. As well as her vocal ability, I was also impressed and fascinated by her piano playing. I’ve never heard somebody both play and sing so well simultaneously.

After opening on such a high, the rest of the concert did not disappoint. Tori gave each song she performed a new energy, favourites such as “Cornflake Girl”, “Welcome to England” and “Precious things” sounding better than ever. The audience appeared to be mesmerised by her and were completely silent throughout, apart from the long and enthusiastic applause which greeted and followed each number.

After closing with a spectacular version of “black vine”, tori re-appeared to perform “Big Wheel” and “Tear in Your Hand”. Despite the set being a little over 2 hours, the time flew by and before I knew it I was back in the car, driving home. Dad and I both agreed it had been a fantastic night. I’d have liked to have seen her perform “winter” or “Jacky’s Strength”, never mind though, maybe next time.




Caught a lite sneeze

Cornflake Girl



Space Dog


Jamaica Inn

Welcome to England

Northern Lad

Take me with you


Putting the Damage on

The power of orange knickers

fast horse

precious things

black vine


Big Wheel

Tear in your hand


"คิดมาก / Kit Mahk (Think Too Much)" by Venus Butterfly

Title: คิดมาก / Kit Mahk (Think Too Much)

Artist: Venus Butterfly

Album: The First

Year: 2009

จะคิดถึงทำไม คิดให้ใจวุ่นวาย

Ja kit teung tummai kit hai jai woon wai

Why do I think about you? The more I think, I make my heart worried

คิดแล้วก็ยิ่งคิดมาก หยุดไม่ได้

Kit laeo gor ying kit mahk yoot mai dai

I think and then the more I over-think, I can’t stop

จะคิดถึงเธอทำไม ก็ไม่รู้ ไม่เข้าใจ

Ja kit teung tur tummai gor mai roo mai kao rai

Why would I think of you? I don’t know, I don’t understand

แล้วฉันต้องทำยังไง แล้วคิดถึงเธอยังไงฉันไม่รู้เลย

Laeo chun dtong tum yung ngai laeo kit teung tur yung ngai chun mai roo loey

What should I do? How am I thinking of you? I don’t know at all

คิดเข้าข้างตัวเอง ว่าเรามันก็เนื้อคู่กัน

Kit kao kahng dtua eng wah rao mun gor neua koo gun

I think in favor of myself, that we’re soulmates

คิดว่าเธอก็คือ พระเอกของฉัน

Kit wah tur gor keu pra’ek kong chun

I think that you’re my leading man

แล้วฉันต้องทำยังไง เลิกคิดถึงเธอไม่ได้ใครบอกฉันที

Laeo chun dtong tum yungngai lerk kit teung tur mai dai krai bork chun tee

What should I do? I can’t stop thinking of you, someone tell me!

ใจเธอนั้น มีใครอยู่ อยากจะรู้

Jai tur nun mee krai yoo yahk ja roo

Who’s in your heart? I’d like to know

จะมีฉันบ้างรึเปล่า ก็ไม่รู้ ให้ฉันคิดไปคนเดียว

Ja mee chun bahng reu pblao gor mai roo hai chun kit pbai kon diao

Would you have me? I don’t know, you’re letting me think too far alone

จะคิดว่าเธอมองมา คิดว่าเธอคิดเหมือกัน

Ja kit wah tur mong mah kit wah tur kit meuan gun

I think you’re looking over, I think you’re thinking the same

คิดคิดจนหัวใจ เก็บเอาไปฝัน

Kit kit jon hua jai gep ao pbai fun

I think and think until my heart starts to dream

แต่ความจริงเป็นยังไง หัวใจเธอคิดอะไรฉันไม่รู้เลย…

Dtae kwahm jing pben yung ngai hua jai tur kit arai chun mai roo loey

But what’s the truth? What your heart’s thinking, I don’t know at all

ใจเธอนั้นมีใครอยู่ อยากจะรู้

Jai tur nun mee krai yoo yahk ja roo

Who’s in your heart? I’d like to know

จะมีฉันบ้างรึเปล่า บอกฉันที

Ja mee chun bahng reu pblao bork chun tee

Would you have me? Tell me

ใจเธอนั้น มีใครอยู่ อยากจะรู้

Jai tur nun mee krao yoo yahk ja roo

Who’s in your heart? I’d like to know

จะมีฉันบ้างรึเปล่า ก็ไม่รู้ ให้ฉันคิดไปคนเดียว

Ja mee chun bahng reu pblao gor mai roo hai chun kit pbai kon diao

Would you have me? I don’t know, you’re letting me think too far alone

คิดไปเองคนเดียว หรือฉันคิดไปคนเดียว คิด คิดไปคนเดียว

Kit pbai eng kon diao reu chun kit pbai kon diao kit kit pbai kon diao

Am I the only one thinking this? Or am I thinking all of this myself? I’m thinking, thinking all this myself

ใจเธอนั้นมีใครอยู่ อยากจะรู้

Jai tur nun mee krai yoo yahk ja roo

Who’s in your heart? I’d like to know

จะมีฉันบ้างรึเปล่า บอกฉันที

Ja mee chun bahng reu pblao bork chun tee

Would you have me? Tell me

ใจเธอนั้น มีใครอยู่ อยากจะรู้

Jai tur nun mee krai yoo yahk ja roo

Who’s in your heart? I’d like to know

จะมีฉันบ้างรึเปล่า ก็ไม่รู้ ให้ฉันคิดไปคนเดียว

Ja mee chun bahng reu pblao gor mai roo hai chun kit pbai kon diao

Would you have me? I don’t know, you’re letting me think too far myself

คิดไปเองคนเดียว หรือฉันคิดไปคนเดียว

Kit pbai eng kon diao reu chun kit pbai kon diao

Am I the only one thinking this? Or am I thinking all of this myself?


Friday, September 11, 2009

Music for tourists

Music for Tourists / Chris Garneau. Fargo, 2008.

Chez Chris Garneau, tout à l’air fragile et à fleur de peau ; et son physique de Bambi échappé du bois, et sa voix. D’emblée, on pourrait la trouver soit irritante, soit touchante, et parfois à la limite de étranglement. Joanna Newsome, dans le genre folk de son premier album “The Milk Eyed Mender”, provoque les mêmes réactions. Egalement pianiste, Chris Garneau s’essaye à la reprise avec bonheur (enfin… façon de parler, s’agissant d’une chanson d’Elliott Smith) de “Between the bars”. Les autres titres sont des compositions originales, d’une étrange mais désarmante naiveté. De l’aveu même de Garneau, il s’agit d’une oeuvre de jeunesse, sans recul aucun, comme en témoigne la spontanéité et la sensibilité pleine de maladresse qui ressort dans son album. L’univers évoqué me fait aussi penser à la douce bizarrerie d’une autre harpiste, (qui a dit harpie ?) l’anglaise Serafina Steer. Tous les deux ont l’air de chanter des popsongs intimistes comme des berçeuses mi douces mi inquietantes, avec la conviction enfantine qu’elles vont chasser les monstres de dessous le lit.

Autant la fragilité est touchante dans l’album, autant elle peut se transformer en minauderies en concert. Peut-être n’était-ce pas un bon soir, certainement même, Chris Garneau étant malade. N’empêche, à ce concert donc, tout ce que j’avais pu trouvé charmant a viré au grincement de dents. De délicat, c’était devenu maniéré et de fragile, on passe à phtisique.

Mouais, je préfère le revoir comme ça :

En plus, ça s’était visiblement étendu à Mariée Sioux qui jouait après.

Pas le bon soir vous dis-je.


(500) Days of Summer

This film was alright, for an American rom-com. It was like an American attempt at Amelie. Basically, mainstream producers are finally acknowledging that there is a big ‘indie’ market to cater to out there; a 17 – 30something demographic that is too large to ignore and are no longer impressed with things that are not infused with the indie ethos / arthouse feel. Greedily, though, the producers still wanted the film to be mainstream enough for everyone to watch, hence the debatable cheese-factor of this film. Plot-wise it was like a super concentrated, more realistic version of He’s Just Not That Into You, where the female held the power in relationships and the audience were privy only to the thoughts and emotions of the male protagonist. It was another one of those, omg-so-love-isn’t-real(butitreallyis)!? films that I think are supposed to enlighten men and women across the world, giving them modern perspective on romance. Nevertheless, Zooey Deschanel is gorgeous and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is super adorable. Those are reasons enough for me.

She & Him is a folk band formed by Deschanel in collaboration with M. Ward. For those of you who are already familiar with Deschanel’s charms on screen, expect just as much from her song writing and singing in She & Him, complemented by M. Ward’s all encompassing greatness.

Django Django is a very, very new trio with only 3064 plays registered on the last time I checked. Their mischievously fun and super catchy song Default has become a staple addition to my summertime playlist.

Braids is a Canadian experimental ensemble formerly named The Neighbourhood Council. My favourite track of theirs is Liver and Tan. It’s post-rock electronica at its very best. If you like Explosions in the Sky, you will Love Braids. (PS – yet ANOTHER amazing band with a token asian female member… what did I tell you?)

Wild Beasts are pure ear sex. Sorry, I can’t even describe with words how much I love this group. They played at Offset festival this weekend that just passed and I’m so gutted I missed them, I’m still mourning. They put Great Lake Swimmers, Fleet Foxes, Modest Mouse (insert any other ‘good’ folktronica bands you know here) to utter shame, making you never want to listen to them ever again because you’ve found something way, way better.

The xx are the epitome of dark, emotive pop. Pop that doesn’t even sound like pop. The kind of pop you could listen to without getting hassled by your extremely anti-pop, indie post-punk group of hyper-chic friends. You can actually go to a social gathering and proudly say, hey guys, I’ve been listening to The xx, and expect warm pats of approval on your back.

MP3s (click on link to preview, right click save as to download)

1. She & Him – Why Do You Let Me Stay Here

2. Django Django – Default

3. Braids – Liver and Tan

4. Wild Beasts – Devil’s Crayon

5. The xx – Infinity


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vazou cd da Pixie Lott

Vazou há poucas horas na Internet o novo cd da Pixie Lott! o novo álbum que leva o nome de Turn It Up está previsto para ser lançado em 14 de setembro!

Ela é uma cantora, compositora, atriz e dançarina britânica e foi considerada pelo jornal Sunday Times como a cantora com “a mais autêntica voz pop em anos”.

Seu primeiro e atual single, “Mama Do (Uh Oh, Uh Oh)”, foi lançado oficialmente dia 6 de junho com uma venda de 58,000 cópias,  e conseguiu um grande êxito ao alcançar o 1º lugar na parada britânica UK Singles Charts e desbancar o single “Boom Boom Pow” do grupo Black Eyed Peas!

Se você nunca escutou, baixe esse cd CLICANDO AQUI e escute uma das mais novas sensações da música Pop/R&B/ Soul!

Por Riick


Vazou o novo cd da Nelly Furtado em Espanhol...



















Bom depois de tanta espera finalmente vazou o cd em Espanhol da Nelly Furtado “Mi Plan”, o 1° single Manos Al Aires conseguiu 10 top 10° em vários países Europeus como a Áustria, Bélgica, Alemanha, Itália, Eslováquia, Espanha sendo q em Portugal foi 1°, seu próximo single se chama “Más” sendo lançado dia 29 de setembro, o álbum teve dois single promo são eles “Silencio” e “Bajo Otra Luz”, Mi Plan vai ser lançado no dia 11 de setembro na Alemanha, dia 14 no Reino Unido e dia 14 no Brazil e no US….

Mi Plan

Track Listing


  1. Manos Al Aire
  2. Más
  3. Mi Plan
  4.  Sueños
  5. Bajo Otra Luz
  6. Vacacíon
  7. Suficiente Tiempo
  8. Fuerte
  9. Silencio
  10. Como Lluvia
  11. Feliz CUmpleaños

Clique aqui para baixar o cd


Manos Al AIres (down)

2° Single Más

Más (Down)


Por Douglas.A.R.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Deixar-se navegar

Eu faço, eu aconteço, eu resolvo. É complicado introduzir o espírito de equipe nas atividades do dia a dia da corporação. Um dos mais ferozes inimigos da comunicação – a auto-suficiência – age como força contrária, que parece puxar as pessoas na direção oposta, a do individualismo, desse às vezes irrefreável ímpeto de querer fazer tudo sozinho, de não querer aceitar influências, sugestões, opiniões de terceiros.

Se vivo fosse, Peter Druker com certeza daria aval à idéia de que cada vez mais o negócio de sucesso será aquele estabelecido pela soma das percepções de todas as pessoas que gravitam em torno dele. O contrário disso, ou seja, aquele negócio que é feito exclusivamente com a percepção do dono, parece condenado ao fracasso. Mesma teoria serve para a eficácia nas operações de uma empresa: o trabalho em equipe, a fusão de muitas percepções diferentes em torno de um mesmo assunto, traz a evolução; e o célebre “deixa que eu resolvo” ou o também muito conhecido “não meta o nariz onde não é chamado” produz retrocesso, falhas, entropias, prejuízos. A auto-suficiência quebra os elos da corrente da comunicação empresarial.

O segredo do sucesso no trabalho em equipe está na comunicação, que pressupõe troca, via de mão-dupla, trânsito de informações, percepções, conhecimento, experiência. Onde não há troca, não existe comunicação; onde não existe comunicação, não há progresso.

Para melhor compreender a face daninha da auto-suficiência devemos olhar para essa legião de pequenos empreendedores que fazem a roda da economia girar. Continua muito alto no Brasil o índice de letalidade da pequena empresa. Como causas históricas da morte prematura dos pequenos negócios estão dois fatores conjugados: dificuldades em lidar com finanças e falta de visão de marketing. Neste último fator, preponderante, estão embutidos os males da auto-suficiência. Marketing é também avaliar o desempenho do negócio junto ao público consumidor e ao mercado e fazer a correção de rumos e de falhas. Não há como fazer isso sem estar aberto a sugestões e levar em conta a percepção de clientes, parceiros, fornecedores, funcionários, colaboradores. Há momentos em que precisamos navegar e outros em que precisamos nos deixar levar pelas ondas ou pelas correntes marítimas e confiar em que estas – e apenas estas – é que nos levarão a um porto seguro.

Dirceu Pio é redator-chefe da revista Fórum de Líderes


Muse - The Resistance

Por fin luego de varios amagues de que ya se habia filtrado el nuevo disco de muse y solo terminaban siendo versiones falsas, se ha filtrado el verdadero album de muse, el cual es el quinto album de su carrera y se llama “The Resistance”, y me parece un gran album, disfrutenlo, recien filtrado, tiene muy buena pinta.


01. Uprising

02. Resistance

03. Undisclosed Desires

04. United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)

05. Guiding Light

06. Unnatural Selection

07. MK Ultra

08. I Belong To You ( Mon Coeur S’Ouvre A Ta Voix)

09. Exogenesis : Symphony Part I (Overture)

10. Exogenesis : Symphony Part II (Cross Pollination)

11. Exogenesis : Symphony Part III (Redemption)




Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Secondnights events on 8th September 09

9.08.2009 – 19.09.2009 Miss Narkissos Contest (client of Wilder PR) - 03.09.2009 – 11.10.2009 THE SHORT FILM COMPETITION LA TEJITA La Tejita naturist resort 08.09.2009 – 08.09.2009 No Event Scheduled for 9-8-09 Arubia Introduces 3.00 AM SLT – 4.00 AM SLT LIPSTICK RESORT – LIVE VENUE


LIPSTICK RESORT – LIVE VENUE 10.00 AM SLT – 12.00 PM SLT DJ Darrin2101 Spinning Club Purple Butterflies 10.00 AM SLT – 12.00 PM SLT DJ Darrin Spinning Club Purple Butterflies 11.00 AM SLT Nur Moo’s Project

RADI ROFFO & JIMI CHENG live dj sets


live dj set at POETIK velvets

POETIK Velvets 11.59 AM SLT – 3.00 PM SLT Deviant & Desiree show TurboDJ Radio Network 11.59 AM SLT DJ Labrie Blackburn Castle of music 2.00 PM SLT – 4.00 PM SLT DJ Darrin2101 Spinning Club Gothika 6.00 PM SLT – 10.00 PM SLT 90s Night w/DJ Camthan & DJ Jeli TONIGHT


Lounge of Dreams 7.00 PM SLT – 9.00 PM SLT [ Thongs & Boxers ] with DJ SINISTER REDGRAVE Studio54 Voodoo

More informations on, be a secondnighter today…


the return of robbie williams...

“God gave me the sunshine,

Then showed me my lifeline

I was told it was all mine,

Then I got laid on a ley line

What a day, what a day,

And your Jesus really died for me

Then Jesus really tried for me”

What would a great year in pop music be without a majestic from one of its crown princes? Robbie Williams is back with a confident new single  and it’s called Bodies. Nope. It sounds nothing like the Sex Pistols or Drowning Pool songs of the same name. Instead Bodies is a soaring tune that displays the brashness confidence (cockiness) that we’ve come to love about Mr. Williams over the years equalled only by the similar grandiose production provided by all-timer, Trevor Horn.

The song is the lead-off track taken from the new record to be called Reality Killed The Video Star and will be released in the UK via EMI on 9 October. No word as yet on a US release date if there even will be one since his last couple, including the brilliant Rudebox never made their way to our shores.

I’m liking the track very much at the moment. Beginning with a bit of the good old “boom-bap” hip-hop prgression, our hero chimes in with his typical bombast and snark that only Robbiw can before the chorus comes in and we learn the glories of being naked and something or other.  It stands to reason this song and the album will be a hit in the UK as well as the rest of the world while the USA will once again give Robbie Williams the hand to the face. It’s a shame really as his brand of pop is exactly the kind of pop with balls that is sorely lacking Stateside these days. Justin Timberlake is nice and all but he’s…so safe and studied. We need more Robbie and his devilish, playful grins to go along with brand of artifice.

“Bodies” by Robbie Williams, taken from the forthcoming EMI release, “Reality Killed The Video Star”

Robbie Williams on Twitter

Robbie Williams on MySpace

Robbie Williams on Facebook


Monday, September 7, 2009

Cheryl Cole - Fight for This Love

This weekend has been rather eventful for new music in the UK. Leona Lewis, Robbie Williams and now Cheryl Cole. Cheryl Cole is part of Girls Aloud (<3) and a judge on X Factor but is going solo and her debut solo single is called Fight for This Love. It actually premiered this morning and… I quite like it! Her voice doesn’t sound as weak as it does in Girls Aloud or on’s Heartbreaker. The single is pretty catchy, it’s like a Girls Aloud’s song but also not. Chorus is really catchy. I doubt if it will get to number 1; it doesn’t feel like a number 1… but definitely top 3. Bring on Nadine though.


Madonna quer fazer as pazes com seu irmão Christopher Ciccone

Christopher Ciccone, o irmão de Madonna, causou a fúria da irmã após publicar o seu polêmico livro, A Vida Com Minha Irmã Madonna, onde ele desabafava os conflitos da família, as brigas que teve com a irmã [e os defeitos dela, também] e muito mais casos em torno da Rainha do Pop.

“A Madonna que eu conheci uma vez está perdido para mim para sempre, peço desculpa para ela e para nós”, escreveu Christopher.

Agora, sabe-se lá porque, Madonna quer retomar os laços familiares com o irmão, depois de tanto tempo de intrigas e separação. Já andou enviando e-mails, e pretende se reencontrar com o irmão ainda este ano, em Los Angeles.Segundo boatos, é claro.

Guy Ritchie, ex-marido da cantora, é absolutamente homofóbico [e para quem não sabe, Chris é gay], e foi um dos principais pontos que causou o afastamento da Madonna com Chris. Agora, com a separaçaõ entre ela e o panaca Guy, o relacionamento pode voltar aindamais facilmente.

Ai, nada melhor do que a família reunida. Mas… e o burburinho da Madonna + Sean Penn ?


Sunday, September 6, 2009


I checked out the s***mydadsays Twitter feed, like everyone else. The pops really can come up with some gems. In a weird way, it’s comforting to see that other parents say some major wild stuff. My pop didn’t swear like the Twitter dude’s, unless he was really mad and damn or s*** might come out of his mouth. I’m not on Twitter, but maybe I should really go through the carbon copies of letters my dad wrote to everyone from health insurance companies to Chicago library directors to Senators to an old Army Air Corp buddy in Colorado. I’ve skimmed most of them and am not a fan of some of them because he was bitching (unfairly, IMHO) about me (parents tend to do that, don’t they?!) But maybe the passage of time can help there. I just pulled one of the carbons. What a surprise, grandpa shows up in a story: “When I first met my wife, I was on a Shakespeare kick (this would have been around 1957 or so.) I recall my father was working on my car – replacing piston rings, to see if he could really do it. He (grandpa) operated a gas station but rarely did any mechanical work and he was then near retirement.  I was reading some play of Shakespeare while he was under the car, and he’d asked me for some wrench and I gave him the wrong tool. He came up from under the car, slightly incensed, and said to me ‘ Shakespeare never had a Chevrolet, did he?’ My old man was good on one-liners.” There are plenty of other gems. Maybe I’ll start a s***myoldmanwrotestarringgrandpa blog! My dad was fond of quotations – maybe he deserves a book.  Stay tuned for more s***myoldmanwrote!


See you around...

“His once strong and loyal hands were the first to go. He would hold them in his lap, curled up like balls of socks, trying to bring them to life. After a close shave at work he didn’t feel the top of his thump come free, holding on by a thread. The blood alerted him to the pain he should have felt. Worse, while watching the nurse pierce his leather jacket skin, he didn’t feel a thing. With each twist and turn of the needle his body only shuddered at the thought of not feeling what he was entitled to. Of not feeling warm sand between his fingers. Of not feeling the bitter frost on his car door handle. Of not holding his fishing rod with a forefinger on the line as if it was a vein holding a pulse. He would feel again, he would feel the numbness of knowing what was lost.

He seems to be ageing.”

See you around Pop…05/09


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Supermarket, de Cajón de Sastre, ya a la venta


Supermarket es el adelanto de nuestro próximo Ep.

En esta nuestra 3ª demo hemos querido darle a las guitarras el protagonismo que se mercen, tanto en canciones menos introvertidas de lo que acostumbramos a hacer como Supermarket  como en canciones más melancólicas como Mapas de Aviación, hasta ahora inédita.

Puedes comprar “Supermarket” haciendo click en:


Michael Jackson é enterrado no cemitério de Forest Lawn

Enfim, o descanso

RIO – Depois do enterro de Michael Jackson no cemitério Forest Lawn Memorial Park, alguns parentes e amigos do Rei do Pop se reuniram em um restaurante italiano, em Pasadena, cidade-satélite de Los Angeles, para cumprir uma tradição americana: a de comer e beber após o sepultamento para lembrar a trajetória do morto. Em homenagem à memória de Michael Jackson, o jantar seguiu madrugada adentro, mas não reuniu as celebridades presentes ao cemitério.

Estavam presentes no encontro a polêmica irmã de Michael, LaToya, e o ator Corey Feldman, amigo do cantor desde os anos 1980. O reverendo Al Sharpton, que celebrou a cerimônia do sepultamento, também acompanhou o grupo. No final, na saída do restaurante, um dos convidados repetiu o “moonwalk”, passo típico de Michael, para alegria de paparazzi e fãs que esperavam ver famosos de mais peso.

A cerimônia de enterro do corpo de Michael Jackson começou com mais de uma hora de atraso na noite desta quinta-feira (horário de Los Angeles), 70 dias após sua morte. A família do Rei do Pop deixou esperando celebridades, como Elizabeth Taylor e Macaulay Culkin e sua noiva, a atriz Mila Kunis, e outros 200 convidados.

Segundo um comunicado divulgado pela família, o sepultamento ocorreu às 21h43m (1h43m de sexta no horário de Brasília – o início estava marcado para as 19h local, 23h em Brasília). “A família Jackson deseja agradecer novamente a todos os admiradores de Michael em todo o mundo por seu apoio generoso durante esses momentos terrivelmente difíceis”, diz a nota.

O reverendo Al Sharpton postou em seu Twitter que no final da cerimônia, ele fez um discurso e Gladys Knight cantou. “Agora nos preparamos para deixá-lo descansar”, escreveu Al.

A família insistiu em ter uma cerimônia particular e estabeleceu regras restritas para a cobertura da mídia no enterro. As imagens de televisão, que mostravam os convidados aguardando o início do evento, foram interrompidas no momento em que o caixão chegou ao local da cerimônia.

O corpo do cantor – num caixão folheado a ouro – foi enterrado em um mausoléu com segurança reforçada, monitorado por câmeras e vigias, e de acesso restrito. A circulação também foi reduzida nas ruas próximas e no espaço aéreo da região. Helicópteros da polícia com tecnologia infra-vermelha começaram a vasculhar a área na noite de quarta-feira para garantir que nenhum intruso entrasse. Cães, policiais à paisana e seguranças particulares também patrulharam a área.

O espólio de Jackson vai reembolsar o Departamento de Polícia de Glendale por seus gastos, estimados em mais de 150 mil dólares . Em comparação, a cidade de Los Angeles assumiu o gasto estimado em 1,4 milhão de dólares do serviço fúnebre de Jackson em julho, transmitido pela televisão.

No cemitério, Jackson estará na companhia de outras estrelas do mundo do entretenimento, como Walt Disney, Sammy Davis Jr., Nat King Cole, Humphrey Bogart, Errol Flynn, John Wayne e Clark Gable.

O enterro não encerra as investigações sobre a morte do cantor, apontada como homicídio pelas autoridades. No dia 25 de junho, Conrad Murray, médico de Michael Jackson, aplicou injeções de propofol no cantor e o anestésico teria ocasionado a parada cardíaca que vitimou o rei do pop. No último dia 29 de agosto, o cantor completaria 51 anos.

Siga pelo Twitter

Fonte: O Globo


Friday, September 4, 2009

The XX - XX

Ich glaube so klingt England 2009. Die Vier von The XX sind erst 19 Jahre alt und kommen aus London. Was die Vier von der Insel mit ihrem Album “XX” abliefern, ist großartiger Indiesound mit Elektroeinschlag. Mal klingt es düster aus den Lautsprechern wie in “Fantasy”, dann ist selbst The Cure eine Partytruppe und mal will man einfach nur tanzen wie bei “Islands”. Die Sound ist trocken, hallend und manchmal etwas sperrig. Diese Album wird man in den Indiediscos noch häufig hören und von der Band hoffentlich auch noch mehr.


Music Review: Amy Winehouse

The best pic of Amy I could find.

You know, this review is gonna be hard to right. Mainly because she just downright breaks my heart.

Here’s the deal, I would have a hard time believing anyone who claims they’ve never heard of her so to go into her bio is kinda redundant. So I will just say what I feel.

I have never been a fan of the type of music Amy does. When I heard Rehab, I thought to myself “hmm, not my thing, not crazy about the song but shes got a fab voice… ooh! a Brit too? Fabulous but meh, dont care” Then I hear more and more about this girl’s antics, her drug use, her public ridiculousness. I see her outlandish activities and just think “Ugh! There are soooo many people out there who are just as talented if not more so and really would work hard to AVOID doing what she does! Its not fair.”

I still think that about a lot of celebrities. Then, I did what I normally do with music. I get the discography of a person even if I am not a fan, just so I can feel good in knowing that Ive come across my opinion on the sound not half assed. That I really do try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Well, again, not a fan of the song Rehab. Im not saying its bad but the only reason its such a hit is not only because she sings it well, its a different sound than what we have been hearing, but because its so reflective of the person actually singing it. As great as that is, what can I say not a huge fan of the song. HOWEVER……

I love love love sooo many of her other songs. I love Back to Black and Me and Mr. Jones.

I always was a fan of 60s R&B, Soul, Blues. Not a huge fan but those women could fucking sing! Etta James was pouring her heart out! This voice that Amy has is so great and its such a nostalgic sound to me of how music used to be. Motown would have loved her. At the same time there is a modern quality to her music. I mean come on, you wouldnt have been able to get away with a line like “what kind of fuckery is this” in the 60s.

You can tell who Amy’s influences are. She has respect for the time and I in turn respect her for that.

I also was blessed with the opportunity to watch her on Nevermind The Buzzcocks at her best AND at her worst (yeah she did the show twice) and both times she was extremely witty, funny, and very sweet. I saw her and fell in love. I wish I was friends with Amy. She clearly seems to need one. I dont know who she considers a friend now but I worry about friends who let her destroy herself like that. She needs someone to care for her and tell her shes worthy of so much more. It broke my heart to see her on her second appearance of the show and see her progressively get intoxicated. You can see even the host Simon Amstell who is notorious for just ripping the guests new assholes each episode just feel nothing but pity in seeing Amy in that state.

I also met people who met her when she was just starting out and said she was an extremely lovely person and I dont doubt them. You can tell there is a beautiful woman in there, through her music.

I wont sit here and say Im a devoted fan, but I do respect her, think shes a great talent and would love to see her have a career that flourished into making her a living (emphasis on living) legend in 20 years time. She deserves to be sober to see that.

Video: none of her videos are able to be embedded except a live one I found. Shes singing my favorite Me and Mr. Jones:


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Jason Gray- Everything Sad is Coming Untrue

Artist: Jason Gray

Title: Everything Sad is Coming Untrue


Style: Pop/ Alt. Rock

Label: Centricity Records

Rating: 8 out of 10

By C.W. Ross

This is Jason’s second studio album. On his first, All the Lonely Losers, he dealt with brokenness, with his new release, Everything Sad is Coming Untrue, Jason deals with the subject of renewal. This release was produced by Jason Ingram and Rusty Varenkamp (Brandon Heath, Tenth Ave. North).

Most of the songs found on Everything Sad is Coming Untrue has either a pop or alt. rock sound, although you’ll also find some small splashes of R&B, folk, and country.

“More Like Falling in Love,” starts things off with its pop meets a little bit of R&B blend of music. The song deals with the difference between having religion versus a real relationship with God.

Track-3, “For the First Time Again,” is an upbeat pop song that really picks up on the releases theme of renewal. The song has lyrics that cry out to Jesus wanting to have a renewed faith with the same type of passion as when it was brand new.

Track-6,” How I Ended Up Here,” is an acoustic guitar ballad that deals with someone who has resigned from living a full life, pulling away from the world and the need to not be afraid to reach out to others.

Tracks 8 & 9 really gets the alt. rock portion of the release going strong. Track-8, “Better Way to Love,” and track-9, “Hold Me Back,” both deal with not being self centered in your life and the need to not fight against God’s will for in your life.

The release ends with, “Everything Sad is Coming Untrue (part2)”, part 1 is found as track-2. While part 1 is more up tempo pop sounding, part 2 is much more melodic in its style.

While at first listen the music found on Everything Sad is Coming Untrue might feel a bit heavy if you really ponder the song’s lyrics you’ll find that they are filled with messages of hope and renewal.

Everything Sad is Coming Untrue is a nice meaty release that doesn’t go the easy fluffy pop route, instead it decided to take the much harder road that isn’t afraid to get into deeper faith related issues.


Atualizando audiência as 23:07 as 23:29 sp rio mg / você concorda com contratação 5 fazendeiros.. de sua opnião?

23:07 hrs

28.9 globo 10.0 record 7.0 band 5.4 sbt


28.6 globo 9.0 record 7.6 band 6.0 sbt


28.5 globo 9.0 record 7.3 band 6.5 sbt 1.8 rede tv


30.0 globo 8.7 record 7.8 band 4.5 sbt


28.5 globo 11.7 record 6.5 sbt 4.0 band 1.6 rede tv

rio de janeiro


22.7 record 21.5 globo 7.3 sbt


22.0 record 21.0 globo 7.5 sbt 2.2 redetv 2.0 band

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

El certificado de fallecimiento de Michael Jackson ya refleja el "homicidio"


El certificado de fallecimiento de Michael Jackson ha sido modificado para reflejar que la causa de su muerte fue un “homicidio”, y especifica que el rey del pop falleció por una “inyección intravenosa” administrada “por otra persona”.

El informe hecho público por el forense del Condado de Los Ángeles ya había anunciado que la muerte del cantante, el 25 de junio, se debió a la administración de Propofol y Lorazepam por parte de su médico, Conrad Murray.


Two Hours Traffic - Territory (Review)

Listening to the new Two Hours Traffic which drops on September 8, 2009.

September the band is the artist of the month from X3.

Having that attention will make them even bigger now.

By the looks of the album cover, its a change from the last album “Little Jabs”.

They still have the catchy beats of their music in tracks like Noisemaker, Territory, Monster Closet, Lost Boys and Sing A Little Hymn.

But more of a dark heavy harder edge sound than the last album which was very upbeat.

Territory is a mature sounding album.

Would it be wrong to say the band is growing up?

With Joel Plaskett in producer mode for them. It has abit of the Joel sound with the East coast sound.

The eleven tracks on the album is somewhat of a surprise.

Because all of them are around the three minute mark.

There isn’t any that is four or five minutes.

I will go on a whim and say this album is a conceptual on a story of going through the “Territory” of life.

Fans of Two Hours Traffic will not be disappointed with this new album.

I will be disappointed because I will miss them when they Zaphod Beeblebrox in Ottawa on October 17th.

Favorite tracks:


Wicked Side (reminds of a Weezer track)


Weightless One

Just Listen

Drop Alcohol

Monster Closet

Lost Boys (A great one, hear the whole song and be surprised)

Happiness Burns

Sing A Little Hymn

Great album definitely.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Perspective by Panic! At the Disco Video


It’s a bit behind already but here is my favorite song for the moment! =)

I actually found two versions of the song. One is an acoustic, here it goes..


more about “New Perspective by Panic! At the Disc…“, posted with vodpod


And this one is the official music video. Hope ya like it! =)


more about “New Perspective by P!ATD Video“, posted with vodpod



Michael Jackson: El Cantante Tiene Estrella en Las Vegas

Michael Jackson recibe una estrella póstuma en el Paseo de las Estrellas de Las Vegas; Joe Jackson acudió a la ceremonia

Michael Jackson recibió una estrella póstuma en el Paseo de las Estrellas de Las Vegas, en el marco de la fecha en que cumpliría 51 años de edad, informaron organizadores del evento.

A la ceremonia asistió Joe Jackson, padre del llamado ‘Rey del Pop’, quien falleció el pasado 25 de junio, acompañado por decenas de seguidores del cantante de éxitos como “Thriller” y “Billie Jean”.

La estrella fue colocada en el Casino Palms Resort de Las Vegas enfrente de los teatros Brenden y en donde de manera espontánea los fans dieron muestras de homenaje al cantante.

Los organizadores indicaron que la estrella se había planeado desde hace un par de años y que el propio cantante decidió que se haría en la fecha de su cumpleaños, después de reaparecer en la escena con 50 conciertos en Londres.

En declaraciones a un canal estadounidense, Joe Jackson expresó su orgullo por la carrera de su hijo y dijo que la familia aún sufre su pérdida, pero que hacen grandes esfuerzos por recuperarse.

Cuando fue cuestionado sobre los reportes del servicio forense de Los Ángeles que ubicó su deceso como homicidio, Joe expresó que nuevos detalles sobre su muerte serán revelados pronto.

Cuando se le preguntó si podría precisar en que sentido, enfático respondió “No, no por ahora” .
